玫瑰崗舊生會2019-20年度會員大會暨葡萄酒欣賞會及Switch電玩競技賽 RHSOSA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2019/2020 (Sunday, February 24, 2019) | |
【玫瑰崗舊生會2019-20年度會員大會暨葡萄酒欣賞會及Switch電玩競技賽] 一年一度的玫瑰崗舊生會會員週年大會將於本年二月二十四(星期日)下午三時三十分在母校演講廳舉行。屆時本會將為新年度的四位舊生會幹事(主席、副主席、秘書及財政)進行一人一票的投票選舉。凡屬本會之會員均能在是次選舉中投票。 另外,本會於同日二時將舉行兩項活動,供會員參加: 一)葡萄酒欣賞會~波爾多:左岸。右岸 每位收費港幣400元正(名額有限,報名從速) 訂座方法和付款細則: 請把適當費用存入本會於匯豐銀行開立之儲蓄戶口 002-0-191581。戶口名稱為"Rosaryhill School Old Students Association"。 二)Switch電玩競技賽 詳情如下: *本會將以先到先得形式接受報名。 希望會員踴躍參加,謝謝! 如有任何查詢,請以電郵至activities@rhsosa.org跟舊生會聯絡。 Dear Rosarians, The Annual General Meeting of RHSOSA is scheduled to be held on 24th February 2019 (Sunday) at 3:30pm at the auditorium of Rosaryhill Secondary School. Apart from the annual report from the Executive Committee, There will be an election for the four posts on the Executive Committee (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer). Attached please find the nomination form for your record. Should you be interested to nominate anyone for the above posts, please send us the completed form at president@rhsosa.org on or before 17thFebruary 2019.
Further, two different events will be held at school at 2pm on the same day. The first one is conducted by our alumnus, Mr Wilson Kwok, who is a renowned wine expert in Hong Kong. He will conduct a talk and wine tasting session for us. The topic of the talk is “Bordeaux: Left Bank, Soft Bank”. Another activity will be SWITCH game competition. Event Information: 1) Wine appreciation conducted by Wilson Kwok: “Bordeaux: left bank, right bank” Fees: HK$400/head (limited quota) Please kindly deposit into RHSOSA’s HSBC account (Number:002-0-191581, Account name is “Rosaryhill School Old Students Association"。
2) SWTCH competition Format: Team of 4 Games: 1-2 Switch & Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Free of charge
Should you be interested to take part in this activity, please kindly send the following information to us at activities@rhsosa.orgon or before 17thFebruary 2019: Name Year of Graduation Number of participants Deposit Slip/proof
Registration Deadline: 17thFebruary 2019 Please complete the attached registration form and register with us via email to activities@rhsosa.org。 Should there be any enquiries please feel free to contact Edward Ng, the current President of RHSOSA, at president@rhsosa.org RHSOSA |
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