日期:2014 年 3 月 22 日(星期六)
時間:下午 6 時 30 分接待, 下午 7 時 30 分晚宴開始
費用:每席 12 人$4,800 / 每人$400
一、首階段:認購期由 2013 年 11 月 15 日至 2013 年 12 月 15 日
在此階段,四十八席將以每席為一單位出售。認購者要在認購期內先行支付全席 12 位的費用。認購者可容後自行邀請其同屆校友和分配座位。如校友能每席邀請一位巳退休的老師作為該席的嘉賓,更能凸顯此晚宴的意義。由於席數有限,本會將以先付錢者為先,以作分配。個別人仕可於次階段訂位。
二、次階段:認購期由 2013 年 12 月 16 日至 2014 年 1 月 15 日
一、請把適當費用存入本會於匯豐銀行開立之儲蓄戶口 002-0-191581。戶口名稱為"Rosaryhill School Old Students Association"。
一、如於首階段認購後,認購者未能湊足一席 12 人,本會可在次階段安排個別人仕填補空位,並退回每空位所付之$400。請注意本會並無責任替認購者填補空位。如最終所訂之酒席尚有空位,所付之訂購費將不會被退還。
2013 年 11 月 15 日
Time flies! Did you attend the Golden Jubilee Gala Dinner on 30 November 2008? No matter your
answer is “yes” or ‘no”, you probably don’t want to miss the RHS 55th Anniversary Gala Dinner. It is
our honour to organize the Gala Dinner for the alma mater again. Here are the details of the Gala
Date: 22 March 2014, Saturday
Time: 6:30 p.m. reception, 7:30 p.m. dinner
Venue: Metropol Restaurant, United Centre, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Fee: $4,800 per table for 12 persons / $400 per person
Dress Code: Smart casual
Registration Method:
Reservation will be conducted in two phases.
1. Phase 1: 15 November 2013 – 15 December 2013
In Phase 1, 48 tables will be allotted for subscription on a per table basis. Subscriber will have to pay the fee for a table (or tables) and be responsible to fill up the seats, preferably inviting at least one teacher as your guest. All tables are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Reservation for individuals will be conducted in Phase 2.
2. Phase 2: 16 December 2013 - 15 January 2014
In Phase 2, RHSOSA will commence accepting the booking for individuals. RHSOSA reserves the right to assign seats with reference to your year of graduation or your peer groups. Given that there is only limited quota, we encourage you to form your own table in order to secure your attendance in Phase 1.
Fee Payment:
1. Deposit the required sum to the savings account of “Rosaryhill School Old Students Association” with HSBC. The account number is 002-0-191581.
2. Email the bank pay-in-slip or online transfer form together with the booking form (see attached) to activities@rhsosa.org.
3. We shall confirm your booking after your deposit is cleared.
Refund Policy:
1. For booking of tables in Phase 1, if the Subscriber cannot find sufficient people to fill all 12 seats in each table, RHSOSA may refund $400 for each seat only upon successfully reassigned the seat to another participant. However, if RHSOSA cannot find anyone to take up the vacant seat, no refund will be made to the Subscriber. Please note that RHSOSA has no obligation to fill up all the seats for the Subscriber.
2. For booking of seats in Phase 2, no refund will be made once a payment is made, but you are permitted to assign your seat to your alternate.
For further information about the event, please send your inquiry to activities@rhsosa.org.
Yours faithfully,
David Chow