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下學年是母校建校五十五週年,而校慶的主題巳定為「Lightening the way, opening new paths」。為慶祝五十五週年校慶,母校會有一連串的活動,而首項活動為五十五週年校慶標誌設計比賽。 現誠邀各位校友參與此項比賽之公開組。每位校友只可遞交一份設計,獲獎者將會獲頒紀念品一份。校方會從學生組及公開組選擇獲獎作品作為正式的五十五週年校慶標誌。 參賽設計的尺寸之設限為12公分x12公分,不多過三種顏色,並要記錄在附上之表格,而表格必須於五月三十一日或之前遞交到中學部校務處。 玫瑰崗舊生會謹啟 Dear Alumni,
55th Anniversary Logo Design Competition
2013/14 will mark our alma mater’s 55th anniversary and its theme is “Lightening the way, opening new paths”. A number of events will be held to celebrate this and the first one is the 55th anniversary logo design competition.
We are pleased to invite alumni to participate in the Open Division of the logo design competition. Each alumnus can only submit one design and the winner will be presented a souvenir. The School will determine the official logo from the winning designs of the Students Division and the Open Division.
Your design should be within the size of 12 cm x 12 cm, preferably not more than three colours and must be documented on the attached form, which has to be submitted to the Secondary Section’s General Office no later than 31 May 2013.
Yours faithfully,
Rosaryhill School Old Students Association
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