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本會於七月十五日及八月十九日之「愛心午餐」義工招募反應熱烈,多謝校友們的支持。 有見登記參與「愛心午餐」之校友超逾限額,本會與麥當勞叔叔之家商議後決議於本年十月二十八日(星期日)將作本年度的第三次探訪。 因後補名單內已有足夠之義工,所以是次探訪本會不會再招募義工,敬請見諒。 玫瑰崗舊生會啟 Visit to Ronald McDonald House & Cooking Meal on 28 October 2012
Dear Members,
Thanks for the alumni's overwhelming responses to the visits to Ronald McDonald House ("RMH") scheduled on 15 July and 19 August 2012.
Given that the number of volunteer applications exceeded the quota, we have discussed with RMH whether they could permit us to pay an additional visit. We are glad to announce that RMH is so kind to permit the OSA to visit RMH on 28 October 2012, which will be the third visit in this year.
However, we regret to inform that the OSA will not conduct further recruitment of volunteers because there are sufficient applicants on the waiting list. We take this opportunity to thank for your support.
Best regards,