School Open Day on 18 March 2012 (Sunday)

The School Open Day will be held on 18 March 2012 (Sunday) from 10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.
The first Dominican arrived Hong Kong 150 years ago. To celebrate the School’s Spanish heritage, the School Open Day will involve a Spanish Carnival so that more people can know more about the Spanish culture. There are booths run by some Spanish organizations selling Spanish products. In addition, over 200 students from kindergarten, primary and secondary will perform Flamenco dance together. For alumni interested in Flamenco dance, you can learn from the video clippings of Flamenco dancing lessons from the web page of either Primary Section or Secondary Section. Learn and come to dance together with the students.
As no parking space is available on that day, please utilize the school’s shuttle bus service, which is available every hour from 9:00a.m. at Southorn Playground, Wanchai.
For details of the programme, please refer to the poster.