RHSOSA AGM 2009 + Dessert Appreciation + Various Ball Games Competitions玫瑰崗舊生會2009年度週年大會暨甜品分享會及球類活動日

Posted by stephen_admin 28/02/2009 0 Comment(s) Past Events,



當天活動於下午開始在學校多個地方同時進行:多位前藍球校隊成員及羽毛球校隊成員回來參與是次球類聯誼活動,”以球會友”.另外一批為數約40位的甜品愛好者則到學校家政室參與甜品製作示範,我們很榮幸地邀請到家政老師Ms Angelina Ho及知名美食家校友郭偉信為我們示範兩款不同的甜品.雖然兩批校友分別為著不同的愛好回來參與是次活動,但他們均顯得在他們的活動中渡過了一個愉快的下午.

其後舊生會週年大會在下午約3時45分開始.我們很榮幸邀請到舊生會永遠榮譽主席謝天仁神父(Fr Lionel Xavier)從澳門回來出席週年大會.尤其在此大會之前謝神父已多年沒有參與舊生會週年大會,所以大家都很開心見到這位”特別嘉賓”出席是次活動.在大會上舊生會主席伍宇鍔報告了08-09年度舊生會曾參與及舉辦過的活動.其後,舊生會司庫David Chow亦報告了過去13個月舊生會的財政狀況,雖然在過去的13個月國際金融體系動盪不穏,舊生會的投資仍可錄得盈餘!隨後,以上兩份報告均獲得到場會員以大多數通過確認.


主席:Edward Ng

副主席: Amy Chan

秘書: Raymond Lok

司庫: David Chow

週年會後,在新遷入學校內的舊生會會址內謝天仁神父為新罝的歷屆舊生會主席掛墻扁舉行了一個簡單而隆重的祝禱及揭幕儀式.參加上述儀式的前主席包括:Patrick Rozario, Dr Albert Lee, Henry Lim, Eric Lee和現任主席Edward Ng.



備註:上述活動照片可到本網頁的Photo Gallery觀看. 





The RHSOSA Annual General Meeting 2009 + Ball Games Competition + Dessert Appreciation was held on 28/2/2009. The number of members who turned up for the activity was unprecedantly large, which was around 80-90.

The activity started in the afternoon with some participants playing basketball and badminton games and some attending the dessert demonstration by the cookery teacher, Ms Angelina Ho and our alumnus, Mr Wilson Kwok. A great number of former school team sportsmen and sports ladies came back for the ball games whilst about 40 odd dessert lovers turned up for the dessert demonstration which took place in the cookery room. Notwithstanding that the 2 groups came back for different purposes, both groups indicated that they both enjoyed their chosen activities.

The Annual General Meeting started at about 3:45pm. It was our pleasure that our Honorary President For Life, Fr Lionel Xavier, attended the AGM. It was worth to mention that it had been a long time since he last attended our AGM and many of our members were so happy to have him as our honorable guest. Our president, Mr Edward Ng, delivered an annual report about what RHSOSA had done the previous year. Mr David Chow, our Treasurer, also delivered a financial report which showed that despite the fact that the economy was being so difficult, our RHSOSA fund still managed to have a positive return in the past 13 months!! After the annual report and the annual financial report were formally adopted by the majority of our members, an election of the executive committee was held. Since there was only one nomination list of candidates, the following persons were duly elected by the majority to be the executive committees for the posts below:

Edward Ng    - President

Amy Chan     - Vice-president

David Chow   - Treasurer

Raymond Lok - Secretary

At the end of the AGM, there was a little blessing and unveiling ceremony of our past presidents memorial plaque in our RHSOSA room. After Fr Xavier finished his blessing ceremony, the unveiling ceremony was conducted by a number of our past presidents including Albert Lee, Henry Lim, Eric Lee, Patrick Rozario and Edward Ng.



Subsequent to the above ceremony, a refreshment session was held in the canteen where many of the RHSOSA committees contributed varoius desserts, cakes, drinks and food which were very well received and appreciated by our members. Finally, the event ended at around 6pm and many of our members left with smiles on their faces.

P.S. More photos can be found in our photo gallery.