Retired Secondary Teacher Mr David Lam Rest In Peace

Posted by Jorge 11/03/2024 0 Comment(s) The Rosarians,
我們懷着沉重的心情通知各位在母校早年時任教中學部多年的Mr David Lam今天在美國波士頓安詳地離世了,享年87歲。Mr Lam當年在中學部曾擔任訓導主任、中文科系主任及高級學生輔導主任等職位。在此我們向Mr Lam家人致深切慰問,希望他們節哀順變,同時我們非常感激Mr Lam當年為母校的付出和貢獻。
Mr Lam, 我們會永遠懷念您。
Dear Rosarians,
We are sad to inform you that Mr David Lam, a senior teacher from the early days of our alma mater, passed away peacefully in Boston, United States this morning. During his employment with Rosaryhill School's Secondary Section, Mr Lam had been assigned to different posts including Prefect of Discipline, Head of Chinese Department and Senior Master of Student Counselling and Guidance. We would like to send our deep condolences to Mr Lam's family. Furthermore, we would also like to express our gratitude to Mr Lam for his significant contributions to Rosaryhill School during its early years.
Mr Lam, we will always miss you.