Retirement Dinner Party + various game competitions

Posted by stephen_admin 05/07/2008 0 Comment(s) Past Events,

The 2008 RHSOSA Teachers' Retirement Dinner took place at 7pm on 5th July 2008 at King Palace Restaurant in Hopewell Centre, Wanchai.

Alll of the teachers in the secondary section who decided to retire after the end of this academic year came to the dinner. They are Ms Betty Suen, Ms Betty Hung, Mr Lee Kwok Leung, Ms Amy Lo, Mr Pang Kim Ming, Ms Elsie Kwan and Mr Horace Luk (Biology lab technician). Ms Belinda Lam also came to our dinner as well as she left RHS at her own accord last year (She is now working at Chinese University of Hong Kong)


More than 60 past students came to say farewell to our beloved teachers, many of who were 'new' faces in the RHSOSA events.  During the evening, they had a great deal of opportunities to have chats with their former teachrers, to take photographs with them and to exchange contacts.  Souvenirs were presented to the above teachers for the appreciation of their long service in RHS and their hard work over the years. On the other hand, souvenirs were also given to all of the past students by the retiring teachers to show their appreication of the event.

All of those who came to the function showed they enjoyed the night very much.  

Please go to our Photo gallery or video link below if you want to see the highlights of the evening!


Video (takes 10 to 60 seconds to upload depending on your system)  Higher resolution version will be available later).



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