Rosaryhill Secondary School Sports Day 玫瑰崗中學陸運會

Posted by Jorge 17/10/2023 0 Comment(s) Past Events,

玫瑰崗中學將於11月6及7號舉行陸運會. 而11月7號的比賽更設有個人項目,接力賽及一哩跑誠邀各位舊生參加. 個人項目及接力賽的冠軍,亞軍及季軍會頒發獎牌。而一哩跑就設有舊生男子組及女子組冠軍,完成一哩跑的舊生亦可為所屬的社取得3分。



(6)一哩跑 (大概下午1時30分開始,下午1時報到)
(7)4 X 100米接力(於一哩跑完成後開始,舊生及老師當日自由組合)

(1)至 (6)的比賽項目現接受報名:請於10月25號午夜12點前填好以下Google form報名.

大家可以抽時間做運動亦可為自己所屬的社爭取分數,希望見到大家. 到時見!

Rosaryhill Secondary School  will hold Sports Day on 6th and 7th November. There are individual events, relay race and one-mile run open to alumni to participate on 7th November. Medals will present to winners in individual events and relay races (first 3 places) and one-mile run (champions of male and female alumni group). Almuni who completes the one-mile run can also get 3 points for their houses.

Event details: 
Date: 7th November
Location: Aberdeen Sports Ground

Morning competitions (start approximately between 9am to 10:30am, race time to be announced):
(1) Men’s and Women’s 100m run
(2) Men's long jump
(3) Men’s shot put
(4) Women's standing long jump
(5) Women's softball throw

Afternoon competitions:
(6) One-mile run (starts at 1:30 pm, call in time at 1pm)
(7) 4x100m Special Relay (Start after One-mile run. Alumni and teachers are welcome to form their team on event day) 

Competitions from (1) to (6) are now open for registration. Please fill in the Google form before 12:00 midnight on 25th October.

See you there!