電郵給道明會 Email to Dominican Order

Posted by Jorge 02/10/2023 0 Comment(s) Past Events,


自從兩星期前本會宣布收集各位對道明會停止辦學的決定的意見後,截止今日為止,本會收到來自四方八面海量回應和意見,本會十分感謝各位的寶貴意見。綜合各位意見,絕大部分校友均表示對學校停辦感到十分可惜,亦希望學校能繼續下去。因此,本會經內部商討後決定聯絡在意大利羅馬的道明會總部要求道明會把母校屬於政府資助的中學部的辦學權交給舊生會。本會亦會連同各位填寫的google forms電郵給道明會。

如各位仍想表達閣下在此事的意見,本會收集各位填寫google forms: https://forms.gle/gy9wnyAXbzeKgY649 的截止時間為2023年10月3日中午12時。


Dear Rosarians, 

Since we last posted here and invited you to share your comments and feedback on the Dominican Mission’s decision to stop operating Rosaryhill School, we have received a great number of responses and we are thankful to you all for your feedbacks. In summary, the great majority of those who responded show that they think it is a pity for the school to discontinue. 

Therefore, after having discussed the issue with the RHSOSA committee and subcommittee members, we decided to send an email to the headquarter of Dominican Order in Rome in Italy to request the Dominican Order in Hong Kong to pass the administration duties of the government aided Secondary Section on to RHSOSA, we shall send the request together with the Google forms we received. 

Should you still want to provide your comments, please kindly complete the Google form: https://forms.gle/gy9wnyAXbzeKgY649 as soon as possible. The deadline is noon on 3rd October 2023.