1) On Friday, 15 September 2023, the Dominican Missions, sponsoring body of Rosaryhill School announced that the School will cease operation after the 2025/26 school year. The Executive Committee of Rosaryhill Old Students Association (RHSOSA) and majority of the alumni are saddened by the decision.
2) Since the announcement, RHSOSA have taken the following steps in assisting the affected teachers and students in the last few days:
The Executive Committee of RHSOSA held a meeting to report the news and try to learn more about the detail of the announcement through the School’s press release. The Executive Committee also expressed support to the teachers and principals and conveyed that RHSOSA will provide all necessary assistance. RHSOSA also connects with alumni who has children studying in the school to learn more about the situation.
Many alumni attended the town hall meeting as parents and old students organised by the School to further understand the reasoning behind the decision and also suggested different scenarios to address the situation. RHSOSA has also contacted the Secretary for Education, the Under Secretary for Education, members of the Legislative Council including councillors Chu and Tang.
RHSOSA has received many remarks and inquiries from different concerned parties and a letter from Ms. So Pui-ting, the Principal of Rosaryhill Secondary School.
Members of RHSOSA returned to the School to express support to the Principal and teachers of the Secondary School and shared their understanding to the situation and put forward suggestions to resuscitate from the decision.
RHSOSA contacted the Episcopal Delegate of Education of the Catholic Education Office of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, other School Sponsoring Bodies and the Chairperson of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) of Rosaryhill Secondary School for preliminary discussions.
20-9 -2023
RHSOSA held an online meeting with Chairperson of the PTA of Rosaryhill Secondary School for an in-depth dialogue.
3) RHSOSA is most concerned with the emotions and the future of the present students and teachers and try the best to provide support to assist the teachers to continue to deliver high-quality education as in the past, and to help to minimise the impact of the situation to teaching and students’ learning.
4) For providing suggestions, please complete the Google form at the following link: https://forms.gle/gy9wnyAXbzeKgY649
5) The Executive Committee of RHSOSA held a meeting in the evening of 21 September 2023, and unanimously agree to continue to operate RHSOSA.
Rosaryhill Old Students Association
1) 就玫瑰崗學校上星期五公布辦學團體道明會決定停辦玫瑰崗學校,玫瑰崗舊生會全體執委跟大部分的舊生對此決定感到非常傷心。
2) 自從該決定公布以來,玫瑰崗舊生會的多位舊生過去數天一直為受影響的老師和學生作出了以下行動:
15 – 9 – 2023
16 – 9 – 2023
17 – 9 – 2023
18 – 9 – 2023
19 – 9 – 2023
20 – 9 – 2023
3) 舊生會現在最關注是目前在學的學生和老師們的情緒和未來去向,希望能盡力幫助老師能一如以往為學生提供優質教學,將今次事件對他們教學和對學生學習的影響減至最低。
4) 如有任何意見,請填寫以下連結的google form: https://forms.gle/gy9wnyAXbzeKgY649
5) 舊生會在2023年9月21晚舉行執委大會,全體通過玫瑰崗舊生會未來將會繼續運作。