To celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the Priesthood of Fr Jose Salas OP and Fr Francisco de las Heras OP, RHSOSA will organize a celebration lunch for them to show our appreciation and gratefulness to Fr Salas and Fr Francisco for their devoted and loyal service in the Catholic community. Details of the event are as follows:
Date: 27/5/2023 (Saturday)
Location: 27/F Club Lusitano, 16 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong
Time: 1pm to 3:30pm
Fee: $500/head (8 people per table)
For RSVP, please make deposit the relevant fees for the lunch into RHSOSA's HSBC account (002-0-191581) and send us the deposit slip to to RHSOSA's Facebook Messenger.
Due to the limited number of seats of the venue, please be advised to act quickly and reserve a seat as soon as possible.
We looking forward to seeing you.
為慶祝蘇樂志神父(Fr Salas)及范士豪神父(Fr Francisco)晉鐸金禧(五十周年)這個重要日子,玫瑰崗舊生會將會為兩位神父舉辦慶祝午宴。午宴詳情如下:
日期:27/5/2023 (星期六)
地點: 中環雪廠街16號27樓西洋會所
時間:1pm to 3:30pm
費用: 每位$500 (每檯8人)
如欲包檯或留座, 請存入有關費用至玫瑰崗舊生會的匯豐銀行戶口(002-0-191581)並將存款票據、訂座人的姓名和聯絡資料以Facebook Messenger形式通知本會以作確認。