認識了郭偉信先生 (Wilson) 兩年多,每次於舊生會活動上總見他來去匆匆。 八月初的一個黃昏,筆者終於有機會請教了數個已在心頭多年關於品酒的疑問- 因為是次訪問而可以跟剛剛為舊生會主講完「法國波爾多葡萄酒初階」的Wilson好好的坐下傾談。
葡萄酒達人、美食家、旅遊家、餐廳東主、專欄作家... 身兼多職的 Wilson在玫瑰崗學校渡過其小學一年級到中學三年級的學生歲月。
Wilson透露他是一年級下學期才轉到玫瑰崗小學的:「那時候表嫂是玫瑰崗女中部的生物科教師,而媽媽的一位好朋友又是玫瑰崗中學部的圖書館長,再加上家裡很多親戚的子女都是就讀玫瑰崗的。」如此, Wilson 便成為了插班生。
談及在玫瑰崗的那些年頭,何段日子最令其懷念呢? 這時,Wilson一直在旁默不作聲的校友嚷道:「一定是小學!小學時候每樣事情也有Wilson的份兒!我是他的小學同學,最清楚不過呢!嘿嘿嘿!」(筆者按:那絕對是一個奸笑...) 未待筆者提問可有什麼趣事,Wilson已經道出他於小六擔任風紀時是負責另一班小六,那對小男孩來說可是非常有優越感的。其後,Wilson更徐徐說出小學的時候恍惚從未有像其他同學般享受過小息,差不多不知道小息為何物:「記憶中每個小息都被其他活動排得滿滿,例如:個人朗誦、唸詩班、合唱團、風紀...」 原來小時候的 Wilson已是身兼多職,這何真是三歲定八十呢!
雖然未能像其他同學般在小息時奔走嬉戲,但從 Wilson能夠道出每位唸詩/歌唱老師的名字與外號,可見他曾經十分享受那些另類的小息時光。特別是高小時候的合唱團,因為那時是誇年級的,Wilson很開心可以同高年級的學長混在一起,可以說是每次都很期待的參加練習呢。小時候建立的純真友誼一直伸延,時至今日,Wilson依然跟當年合唱團的團友及其他小學同學們有聯繫聚會,共同的童年回憶亦是大伙兒最為津津樂道的話題。
初中的時候,Wilson是一名保齡球高手,曾經獲得多個校外保齡球大獎。 校內,除了參加音樂團外,Wilson亦熱衷於籃球及羽毛球等球類活動。Wilson回憶道:「那時候我們(Wilson及其家人) 還未搬到玫瑰新邨,我每次都是踩單車回學校打球的!」學校的那條大斜路要踩單車上山還真不容易呢,當然難忘了!
中四後 Wilson便到外國升學,十三年間他曾就讀的學府超過二十間,足跡遍佈歐、美、亞。 那是否因為接觸過不同國家文化所以對飲食講究起來?又是從何時開始跟葡萄酒結下不解緣呢?
原來從孩提開始 Wilson已常接觸不同地方菜系,那時候親戚們到訪時例必帶備中國傭人烹調的鄉村小菜,久而久之便養成了其欣賞美食和對食物認真的態度。 當初離開香港到英國升學, Wilson完成了一年的課程便急不及待的逃離當地:「英國寄宿學校的食物冷冰冰又無味,很難吃的!」不知是否童年陰影,Wilson到現在還是不太喜歡英國菜的呢! 後來在美國讀書時,Wilson習慣自己下廚,當時很多朋友都對其廚藝讚不絕口。所以大學畢業後 Wilson再攻讀飲食管理及酒店管理,其後更到法國深造法文和入讀法國巴黎藍帶烹飪學校。
任職過廚師和餐廳經理,當時家人並不太支持 Wilson在飲食業發展,而他本人亦覺得香港飲食業模式跟美國和法國等差距甚遠。因為對食物的堅持和濃厚的興趣,經過深思熟慮的 Wilson再由香港回到法國,並在法國波爾多大學考獲葡萄酒學碩士後回港創立W’s集團,餐廳「法式牛扒屋」已享譽香港十八載。 身為行業先驅, 除推廣葡萄酒外,Wilson亦致力推崇健康飲食文化。 早在 2000年時Wilson更有參與香港政府中央政策組關於食物品質和食物營養標籤等項目的研討工作,所以於訪問中談及現時的問題食物,包括近期傳媒大肆報導的瘦肉精豬肉及塑化劑等,Wilson顯得痛心不已,但同時亦希望會有更多人開始正視食物安全問題和對食物持有正確態度。
(Wilson with the owner of Chateau Figeac, Wilson's master who is now deceased, Mr. Theirry MANONCOURT, with his bottle)
遊歷各國,懂得多國語言的 Wilson,多年前曾經在學校的開放日以嘉賓身份提出語言的重要性。日常可把握機會跟不同層面的人士接觸並建立良好關係,因為擁有多元化的人脈於日後工作時亦很重要的。
最後,Wilson寄語各師弟妹應該盡早了解自己的性格和喜好,令事業可以更早起步。 同時,亦要多關顧身邊的人,但凡能力範圍內可以辦到的都應予以幫忙。
*特別鳴謝 Wilson的小學同學 David參與是次訪問。 另外,舊生會亦藉此機會再次感謝Wilson百忙中仍然抽空為我們主講是次「法國波爾多葡萄酒初階」和其一系列的活動,以及多年來的支持。
Many of us remember the TVB Jade’s program (6-episode series) - Wine Confidential (尋味葡萄). Mr. Wilson Kwok, an alumnus of our School co-hosted the TV program with Mr. Stephen Ip, the former Secretary for Economic Development and Labour of HKSAR and Mr. Bosco Wong, a TVB's actor. Wilson was the advisor of the entire itinerary and acted as the wine and food expert of the program.
Wilson is a restaurant owner; he oversees the running of his flagship restaurant - W’s Entrecote in Causeway Bay which was established eighteen years ago. He is also a Sommelier. His triumph is in winning the "Best Sommelier of Hong Kong, 2000" on Australian wine. Wilson has been a food & wine talk show host, he teaches in SOPEXA, CIVB (Comité Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bordeaux) and HK Vocational Training Council Pokfulam Centre. Wilson had a regular wine column in a Chinese newspaper and writes regularly in magazine. Wilson also published cookbooks and books about wine.
In 1997, Wilson was knighted by the French Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery & Food as “Chevalier de l’Ordre du Merite Agricole” for his outstanding contribution to French cuisine and wine in his native Hong Kong and China.
Wilson first became interested in food while studying in England and U.S. as food quality in school dormitory was rather appalling, so he started cooking and of course schoolmates and friends gathered to enjoy and to share different recipes. Wilson recalled relatives always brought delicious and variety of food to family dinners for sampling. This must have developed Wilson's taste of appetising and quality food.

(Wilson receiving a very expensive bottle of Champagne Armand de Brignac by owner Jean-Charles CATTIER to be their ambassador to Asia)
After university, Wilson started to seriously delve into the subject and had completed his studies in French cooking at the famous Cordon Bleu de Paris. Wilson is also a firm believer that food and wine are inseparable. Then, Wilson has taken different wine courses around the world and completed his Master’s degree program at the Institute of Enology of University of Bordeaux.
Recently, Wilson gave a wine tasting class organised by the School Old Students Association, with its overwhelming demand, Wilson has kindly agreed to give the class again on 8 October 2011.
After Kindergarten, Wilson entered Rosaryhill School as a Primary one student. At the time, one of his relatives was a biology teacher of the School. The School's librarian was a good friend of Wilson's mother. Also, the children of a number of relatives also went to Rosaryhill School. Wilson left the School after Form Three and continued his study overseas.
Most people established their character at a very young age. Like now, when Wilson was a student, he always had many responsibilities and participated in many activities. Wilson spent most of his school recesses and lunch hours in one interest or another. Wilson was a prefect; he was member of the School choir and of the poem recital class. Wilson was also very active in sports, he often cycled to school, and this must be a challenge considering the slope ascending up the School. Wilson also played basketball and badminton. Wilson was a bowling champion; he won a number open championship.

Wilson has lived, worked and travelled to many places around the world; he is fluent in many languages including French and Portuguese. A few years ago, Wilson as a guest speaker of the School Open Day, talked about the importance of language skill and how it helps to develop one's career.
Finally, Wilson has some advises for our current students in relation to a successful career, one has to understand one’s character and interest, pursue one’s interest with focus and hard work, this is the key to achievement. In addition, Wilson reminds us to always looking after our family and loved one.