跟很多校友一樣,伍宇鍔 (Edward) 由小學一年級開始,已入讀玫瑰崗學校。當校舍聳立在Edward 眼前,這位小朋友形容學校大得如 「巨無霸 」一般,而且當時一級有十二班,每次集隊操場上必定擠滿學生。
記得當時中學男生夏季須穿著白色長袖恤衫和白長褲;而小學男生在冬季則反而要穿著短褲及 長灰襪示人,加上當時女教師亦必須穿著深啡色及膝裙教課,整個學校部彌漫著貴族式的歐陸情懷!
他最記得有一次,學校出現了一位「不速之客」──有條蛇出現在花園,並進行換皮, Edward 和其他同學都希望上這堂額外的「自然科學」的堂,但都不得要領,因為校方當時以學生安全為考慮,當天反而提早放學了。
到了高小,Edward很慶幸被委任當上校車車長一職,但說也奇怪,當時委任他的 Ms Dominica Lau 劉小小老師,在母校五十周年開放日碰到 Edward時,雖然已相隔那麼多年,但劉老師仍記得 Edward,無怪乎當 Edward說起這件事時也難掩心中的雀躍。 其後在六年級,他還被委任成為風紀,須知道當時學生必須要考到頭十五名才有資格擔任風紀,可想然知此職位是很多學生所渴望的,但 Edward郤在被委任一星期後便辭職了。到底是什麼原因呢?
「當時我有位好朋友 Victor Lai (黎思聰), 那時他亦是風紀,但有一天他因為不滿被老師不公平對待,所以決定劈炮唔撈,我作為他的死黨當然陪佢一齊劈炮啦!」﹣小學時的情誼,比一杯白開水還清。
學校是天主教學校,Edward 又是否在小學時受洗呢?
根據 Edward表示,在中學生涯中對他影響最深遠的是在升上中一後加入了紅十字會青年團。話說 Edward在小學時一直都很嚮往童軍多姿多彩的活動,可惜那時學校只容許成績在頭十名內的學生參加,所以只好一直將這參加制服團體的願望埋於心底。 到他升上中一後選課外活動時,他的首選活動當然是男童軍﹣「可惜當時太多人參加,負責男童軍的老師趙Sir 說童軍已滿額了,你不如考慮Red Cross吧。」就這樣,Edward加入了紅十字會青年團。 每當學校舉行陸運會、水運會或畢業典禮時,Edward 就會穿上Red Cross 制服為同學服務,後來還成為領袖生。「一直以來我都很懷念那段紅十字會的日子,在那幾年我學會了承擔,使我日後在忙碌的工作中,仍積極參與不同的義務工作,例如在「母親的抉擇」我當了差不多七年的義務嬰兒媬姆和六年的玫瑰崗舊生會主席等。 到今天,仍然有不少老師跟我說只記得我當年穿著Red Cross制服的模樣,反而我著校服的樣子他們反而不太記得了。」
但 Edward坦言,當初對中學的生活有愛也有恨:「我當初最不習慣的,是不明白初中為何要分開男女中,而且男中比女中差不多早一個鐘頭返學, 我那時候真的很好羨慕女中的女生們不用跟我們一樣那麼早起床呢。」
「記得那時經常會不食午飯、將飯錢儲起買WALKMAN、卡式錄音帶、流行雜誌等。 另外,那時學校中一至中三都是全男班,所以玩起來大家亦不用顧及形象,反而可以玩得更放呢。」Edward覺得他中三那班是中學生涯中是最精彩的:「當時同班的同學都各有個性,有些沉默寡言,但鬼主意最多、有些喜歡炫耀個人與別不同的個人興趣、有些則常透過參加社際活動出風頭、有的則喜歡在形象上標奇立異(PUNK頭/ 窄腳褲/ 尖頭鞋) 」。
然而,當時最潮的,莫過於他們一班人自創的 「FIGHT CLUB」了。
畢比特的 “ Fight Club” ,原來Edward早已演過中學少年版了。
就這樣,Edward放學後便自發性去英國文化協會進修英語。 亦是在這時候,Edward開始找到他另外的愛好,由於其母親答應資助他欣賞各文娛活動的開支,一有空他便跑去看舞台劇、管絃樂團 、舞蹈等表演。
對於 Edward,中四無疑是他中學生涯的轉捩點 ﹣
「一升到上中四,男女生便開始同班,所以大時大節會相約新相識的同學們去玩。 有時候我們會一大伙去打桌球、踩ROLLER等等……生活明顯豐富了。另外,那時我開始喜歡在街上溜達,留意街上各種不同的人,有時會坐電車由堅尼地城去筲箕灣靜靜觀察各式各樣的行人。」
雖然中五時會考成績並不理想,重讀後仍未夠分數原校升讀中六,幸得老師們和謝天仁神父的支持,中六開學後一星期,Edward 便收到校方通知,可以返回司徒拔道 41B 繼續完成預科課程。
隨著預科課程結束,Edward在玫瑰崗的學習生活亦告一段落。 他亦如當年很多同學一樣赴笈加拿大繼續升學。 他首先到加拿大愛民頓市一所私立寄宿學校完成了一年預科,由於當地娛樂項目欠奉,在 Edward努力下,他在當地公開試的成績甚為理想,得以在阿伯達省立大學攻讀電力工程系,同時他還開始做兼職,「我讀大學時在愛民頓市一個名為四海中文電台兼職擔任主持和幕後製作的工作。 另外,我亦和一班志同道合的朋友在大學成立了一個中文話劇社,為當地華人提供了多一項文娛活動的選擇。」
及後當 Edward在加拿大回流香港後一直思量個人去向,只因他發覺工科的工作亦非他興趣所在,所以他一直思索未來的路向。 在一個偶然的機會下,他發現英國倫敦大學的法律課程在港招生,一星期只需要讀兩至三個晚上。 同時,這個課程亦勾起了 Edward在中學時的一些回憶:
「我小時候也有想過長大後做律師,但只是想想罷了,其後中四中五時又被老師稱讚我的英文能力,可以考慮選讀法律科,因為老師這番鼓勵說話,在中學畢業同學錄上,我在個人目標一項還填上『律師』呢。」 兜兜轉轉,Edward又回歸到兒時的志願。
在修讀法律科時, Edward需要閱讀不同類型的書籍, 擴闊了他其他學問的視野,加上他強烈的好奇心和喜歡思辯性格,在完成法律讀程後他便決定投身法律界,成為一名大律師。
「我在2002 年成為大律師,我很喜歡這份工作,既可以接觸社會不同階層的人,使我更貼近社會,亦可以為有需要的市民提供援助,工作上有一定新鮮感。」
「未成為律師前,我認為接受高等教育的人,會較誠實坦白, 但事實剛剛相反,有時教育程度越低的人,越是開門見山的坦白;有錢人反而喜歡在灰色地帶上遊走。」另一方面, Edward 因為工作關係很多時都需要接觸不少年青人,眼見他們在青少年階段已開始犯事,令他了解到從小訂人生方向的重要性,所以 Edward希望在忙碌的工作中抽時間為將來社會培育出一批有志向的後輩!
因此,從 2006年起,Edward更開始在大學執教, 藉此希望可以跟後輩分享他在工作上的所見所聞,為香港法律界培育一批能幹和具專業精神的律師和大律師 。
幾年前,Edward 收到當時仍是中學部訓導主任、亦是舊生 Ms Grace Yuen 的電話,對方表示學校有個四十五周年校慶活動,大會想邀請一位舊生跟現任學生一起擔任司儀,Edward欣然答應。 這是Edward 投身社會後第一次以舊生身份出席母校活動,亦認識了當時是舊生會主席的李銘皆。
「在那活動中我向 Eric表示想參與舊生會活動,希望可旁聽舊生會的常務會議,結果,第一次會議亦寫下 Edward 跟母校新的一頁。」
「當時學校正在興建新翼,需要籌集資金為新翼添置各項設施。 學校方面亦邀請舊生會派代表參與籌款委員會,當時舊生會執委人數有限,各人亦忙於自己的工作,我便自動請孆,結果還被推選為籌款委員會主席。 經過我們一起的一年努力,最終為學校薵得超過二百萬元捐款。」
後來因為 Eric事務繁忙,舊生會主席便由 Edward接任。然而,當時舊生會亦面對不少問題,例如舊生們對舊生會的活動不太熱衷、會員紀錄不完整等等。
「除了改善這些問題,我更希望加強在校的學生對舊生會的認識。 同時我亦邀請了不同年代的畢業生參與舊生會行政會議,另一方面還重整舊生會的會員紀錄。」 經過六年時間,舊生會的團隊不停擴大,並積極舉辦活動,例如五十周年金禧校慶活動、謝天仁神父八十歲生日晚宴、「啓導同行」師友計劃等都是明顯例子。 此外,而舊生會活動亦開始以慈善活動為主,過去舊生會探訪過靈實護老院、跟「母親的抉擇」的小朋友參觀過香港科技大學、以及到訪麥當勞叔叔之家,為病童烹調午膳等。 現時,玫瑰崗學校舊生會是香港少數有規模的舊生會,這一點 Edward 亦不忘感謝母校及神父們對舊生會的支持。
在今年舊生會週年大會過後,Edward 已退位讓賢,不再擔任主席一職,但他並非全身而退;他現在亦有參與學校近年成立了的學校發展事務委員會和為學校提供改革建議的「智囊團」,兩者皆是針對香港中學目前面臨的問題 ─ 全港中學學生人口下降 , 而制定相關應付策略, Edward 希望繼續一盡所能,延續道明會的教育精神。 多年前,他在新學年的開學禮上,以嘉賓身份寄語各師弟妹積極參與不同的活動,尋找自己的潛能,既可以為未來的工作找尋方向,亦可以對關心社會上有需要的人仕。.
歳月如梭, 但仍有一些人與事,叫 Edward永誌難忘。
當然,還有一個不可不提的最要名字 ﹣ 謝天仁神父(Father Lionel Xavier)。
最後,Edward 寄語玫瑰崗學校:「我希望在未來的日子,玫瑰崗學校會保持傳統,提供一個卓越的學習環境給學生, 給他們一段段值得回憶的學校生活片段;另外,我亦希望玫瑰崗能得到全港市民認同是一間用心辦學的學校;當然,我最希望的是每一位玫瑰崗畢業生都能在各行各業中發光發亮。」
多年來,不少畢業生都像 Edward 一樣積極回餽母校,只要我們持著施比受更有福的態度,相信玫瑰崗學校必定會繼續發光發亮下去!
In this issue of Rosarian Interview, the Editorial team proudly presents to you our long anticipated interviewee – Edward Ng, who, just retired from his five consecutive years as the president of RHS Old Students’ Association; and also who, probably is one of our most “die-hard” fans for RHS with unquestioning dedication to our school.
The interview took place in one lukewarm morning in a café where the wide awake Edward unveiled his stories to the drowsy editorial team…
To everyone’s slight surprise, Edward entered RHS in Primary 1 instead of Kindergarten School. He still had a very vivid memory of his first impression of the school – an enormous castle which is located next to a humongous jungle; with an impressive playground that was always fully packed with classmates during assembly session, for there were twelve classes per year at that time.
Probing into his “most” at RHS…
One of Edward’s unforgettable incidents during primary school was a visit paid by an uncalled-for guest – a snake doing a molting in the middle of the playground! Unfortunately he and his schoolmates could not make for this field trip and were forced to leave early due to safety consideration by the school.
One of Edward’s most touching remembrance was in Primary 3, he was nominated as the School Bus monitor by Ms Dominica Lau. The 2nd part of Edward’s touching memory happened after decades when Ms Lau still recognized him when they met at the School’s 50th Anniversary Open day!
While one of his most “peculiar” or “righteousness” experience was that when he was appointed as the school prefect in Primary 6. Prefect has always been a “dream” post by many classmates at that time as it was only eligible for students who ranked 15 or above in class! Yet, Edward quitted after one week of duty, following his best friend, Victor Lai, at that time. Victor was also a prefect but quitted due to some unfair treatment by a teacher. What a sturdy sense of brotherhood Edward had since a kid!
When he moved to secondary school, Edward mentioned one of the most life-influencing decisions he had made was the joining of Red Cross’ Youth Cadet Unit. Since primary school Edward had been longing to join the Scout but all quotas had already been filled up by other applicants. He was then advised by Boy Scouts’ teacher-in-charge, Mr Richard Chiu, to consider registering the Red Cross. During the 7 years serving as a Red Cross Youth Cadet member, Edward learned and earned the very critical sense of responsibility and developed his habit of reaching out the needy through serving in different school activities and social services. Such training in the uniformed unit had also caused Edward’s later volunteering at various charitable organizations such as Mother’s Choice and as the RHSOSA’s former President. Interestingly, Edward remarked that today many teachers would only remember his image as the Red Cross team leader in the smart blue uniform better rather than in the ordinary the school uniform!
Furthermore, Edward disclosed to the Editorial Team that at the beginning of his secondary school life, the most unadoptable thing was the division of the junior boys and girls. In particular he envied that the girls could start their daily classes almost one hour later than the boys’ and so could stay in bed longer everyday!
And there was also one of his “hungriest” moments of life - he frequently skipped lunch and saved the money for buying the newly released walkman, cassette player and magazines! Additionally, Edward described his Form 3 life as one of the most colorful years as his class was full of classmates of diversified characters – some taciturn; some full of interesting ideas; some like displaying their uniqueness with non-mainstream personal interests; while some are very keen on showing off their talents in different areas during the interschool activities whilst some are very fond of perfecting their trendy and cool appearances.
However, Edward ‘coolest’ of memories among all was probably the setting up of “Fight Club” in Form 3.
Everyday after school, the classmates locked themselves in the classroom and challenged each other in this mini fighting arena. So Edward actually did act in the “secondary school” version of the movie “Fight Club” way before Brad Pitt!
Apart from above interesting incidents, Edward started to realize the different strength inborn in different people.
Like Edward, he always has keen interest in English language so he always did quite well in English examinations. He told us that he put more effort in English subjects as his brother, who was exceptionally good at English, always teased Edward for his poor English from time to time. Thereafter he registered himself an English course after school with the British Council.
After the HKCEE exams in Form 5, Edward’s examination results originally could not get him a spot in Form 6 at RHS; however, with the unanimous support from his teachers and the then School Principal, Father Xavier, Edward was notified that he could return to RHS to complete his secondary education.
His Barrister Path
After having completed Form 6 in Hong Kong, Edward continued his tertiary education abroad in Canada at University of Alberta. Since Edmonton was not a city that could offer much entertainment, so aside from studying hard for his engineering degree, Edward also got himself a part-time job in a Chinese radio station as a host and technician. Further, he also set up a Chinese Drama Club with his university friends and the productions did bring the local Chinese community some cultural entertainments from time to time.
After he has accomplished his engineering degree in Canada, he came back to Hong Kong. However, he started to realize that his interest was not in engineering field. Meanwhile, he learned that the University of London was running a law course in HK and that reminded his an old ambition he had when he was in secondary – to be a lawyer.
Whilst Edward was studying the law course, he was required to read loads law books. This helped him broadening his view on different matters. It was also because of his unyielding curiosity and strong speculative mind, Edward decided to become a barrister after completion of the law course.
Edward was called to the Hong Kong Bar in 2002 and he told us that he really loved his job as it gives him loads of opportunities to meet with different people from different social background, which allowed him to stay close to the society and whenever he is required to, he always extended his helping hands to the needy with his legal skills.
In the past, Edward used to believe that the more one is educated, the higher one’s virtue tends to be possessed. Yet, since he worked as a barrister, he realized that he should not take it for granted as sometimes the rich tend to like working around grey zones. Moreover, Edward also got to know many youngsters who wronged early and took the wrong path due to lack of guidance by their parents and teachers. The more observation he got from his job, the more he wished to help in nurturing the youth of the society.
Hence Edward started his part-time teaching career in two universities in 2006 as he hoped that through sharing of his life and professional experience with his law students, they could become diligent and conscientious lawyers and barristers in the future.
In 2004, Edward was invited to be one of the hosts in the school’s 45th anniversary school shows at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, which was the first time he had ever participated in his Alma Mata’s functions as an alumnus. And through the activity, he got to meet the OSA president of the time, Eric Lee, who invited him to sit-in in the committee meetings.
Meanwhile, the school was organizing a fund raising program for the renovation of the new wing in the school campus. Since most of RHSOSA’s committee members were quite occupied with their various commitments, Edward volunteered to take up the duty as the chairman of the Fundraising Committee. After a year of hard work, around HKD2M was raised for the school.
Subsequent to the fundraising project, he was invited by Father Francisco to take up a bigger challenge, to be the President of OSA. At the beginning of his chairmanship, Edward faced a number of major problems of OSA alumni were unenthusiastic in the OSA’s activities, poor member records, etc.
Apart from that, Edward also tried to raise the awareness of RHSOSA within the school as well. He invited graduates from different years to join as committees or subcommittee members. Not only the team successfully rearranged the members’ records, a number of successful activities of various natures were also organized including the 50th School Anniversary Golden Jubilee Dinner, Father Xavier’s 80th birthday party and mentorship program. Furthermore, he also steered the OSA’s focus on charitable activities so RHSOSA organized various charitable activities over the last few years, which includes visiting UST with the kids from Mother’s Choice, visiting the sick children and their families in Ronald Mcdonald’s House. Edward is quite proud that not that many old students’ associations in Hong Kong are as organized as RHSOSA.
When asked what else he wanted to share with the readers of this interview, Edward said he would like to express his gratitude to the school and the Fathers’ support to the old students.
After having taken up for this special mission for five years, Edward proudly announced his retirement this year. Yet, his heart is still with RHS and he actually becomes a member of the ‘Think Tank’ for the school, which its mission is to help the school to deal with the school’s biggest challenge ever – rapid drop in the number of students.
His appreciation
Time does fly by and yet he is always thankful:
“To all the teachers who have directly or indirectly taught me and made me a better person today; to all my classmates for maintaining good friendship since Primary school; and, also, I would like to thank Father Francisco particularly for all his support and understanding all along…”
Above all, Edward would like take this opportunity to give a big salute to Father Xavier – the former Father Principal whom Edward always respects and takes as his life model and a second father to him.
Lastly, Edward wishes the school to continue to provide its remarkable studying environment to its students so that everyone will have a wonderful childhood memory there. Furthermore, it is Edward’s dream that the public will regard RHS as an outstanding school that provides excellent academic and moral education to its students of all kinds.
And most of all, he also wishes all RHS graduates excel and shine in different areas in the society!