英式撞球是一項永遠都有進步空間的運動,時日浸淫得越久,技術便越趨嫻熟。 作為桌球港隊其中的一員,現在積極為2010年底亞運會備戰的李銘皆每週練習30小時以上。處身在比賽場地,跟技術水準相當的對手所較勁的就是誰能更快適應現場;當然,情緒控制亦是成功的關鍵。李銘皆承認,取得東亞運銀牌後,壓力增加了不少。 但是,曾經參與香港電台節目「窮富翁大作戰」真人騷的他深切理解到露宿者那種"原地踏步,不思進取" 的心態;而壓力能成為推動力,令他進步,更上一層樓。
The interview took place at Craigengower Cricket Club in Happy Valley. From the very beginning of the interview, the editorial team could trace out Eric’s unquestionable passion for sports. The list went from polo, ruby, snooker, golf, badminton, swimming, basketball, track field, football… And all are his ‘favorites’! Probably the list could have gone on and on, just you name it!
On the other hand, his love for golf sprouted during his university life in the UK. Apart from this, he also joined the University’s team for snooker and badminton. Even when he graduated from University, his love for sports never ends. In addition, Eric is also very grateful to his family’s constant support for all the choices and decisions he made all along. And his winning to East Asian Games 2009 proves that this is all very ‘sensible’! It also attests Eric’s enduring devotion and hardwork for sports is undeniably serious. Besides, through his winning, English Billiards has gained more attention from the public and especially the youngsters. Eric mentioned that English Billiards was in fact quite a popular game twenty to thirty years ago. But due to the slow game pace, snooker, which was originated from English Billiards, turned out to gain faster popularity in Hong Kong. Eric pointed that now snooker is enlisted as one of the “Elite Sports” by the Hong Kong Sport Institute. This certainly provides very good opportunity to the successors, and also a very encouraging motivation for all snooker sportsmen! English Billiards is a kind of sports which there is always room for improvement; one gains proficiency along time and practice. As one of the representatives for the Hong Kong Snooker team, Eric is currently having intensive practice for more than 30 hours a week to prepare for the Asian Games at the end of 2010. Apart from the rigorous training, Eric added that when facing with opponent with similar level of techniques in a competition, one crucial factor will rely on the contestant’s swift adaptation of the competition environment and so forth on the spot. And definitely, sound emotional management is also the key to winning. At the end Eric pointed out that after winning the silver medal in East Asian Games 2009, he does feel the intensifying pressure. Nevertheless, he learned that one should always move forward while participating in the RTHK live TV show. Pressure should be taken as motivation for improvement instead.
Last Eric concluded that his nowadays’ achievements should be originated from his RHS days when he was allowed to pick different kinds of clubs and associations freely. That did help him to develop his diverse interest as well as potentials. When he was asked about words for current RHS students, he pointed out ”Do not let go of any opportunity to get in touch with emerging things, as each encounter may become your unique opportunity in the future.” |