舊生會2018-2019年度會員週年大會暨「未完的課 II」

Posted by stephen_admin 04/03/2018 0 Comment(s) Past Events,


一年一度的舊生會週年大會將在三月四日(星期日)在母校演講廳舉行。屆時本會將為新年度的四位舊生會幹事(主席、副主席、秘書及財政)進行一人一票的投票選舉。凡屬本會之會員均能在是次選舉中投票。如閣下想在是次選舉中角逐任何一個上述職位,請於本年二月十五日前將該附件中的名單填妥及電郵回 president@rhsosa.org

此外,今年週年大會前,本會因去年舉辦的 「未完的課」活動反應熱烈,今年將再度舉行「未完的課 II」。我們很慶幸能邀請到幾位舊老師和即將榮休的老師為各舊生執起教鞭,為舊生在課室上「未完的課」。已經落實參加上課的老師包括:

李惠卿老師(Ms Lee Wei Hing)    - 烹飪課

徐耀祥老師(Mr Tsui Yiu Cheung) - 美術課

方育輝老師(Mr Anson Fong)- 物理課

張齊欣老師(Ms Evy Cheung)-體育課

鄭融婷老師(Ms Mendy Cheng)-音樂課




日期: 2018年3月4日(星期日)

集合時間及地點: 下午1時45分玫瑰崗學校地庫


截止報名日期: 2018225


一 請填妥附件的報名表格並電郵至activities@rhsosa.org

如有任何查詢,請以電郵至 president@rhsosa.org 跟舊生會主席 Edward Ng 聯絡。


Dear Rosarians,

The Annual General Meeting of RHSOSA is scheduled to be held on 4th March 2018 (Sunday) at the auditorium of Rosaryhill Secondary School. Apart from the annual report from the Executive Committee, There will be an election for the four posts on the Executive Committee (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer). Attached please find the nomination form for your record. Should you be interested to nominate anyone for the above posts, please send us the completed form at president@rhsosa.org on or before 25th February 2018,

In addition to the AGM, we are glad to inform you that we have invited a few teachers to give lessons in the classrooms to the participants again, which include:

Ms Lee Wei Hing (Cookery), Mr Tsui Yiu Cheung (Arts), Mr Anson Fong (Physics), Ms Evy Cheung (P.E.) & Ms Mendy Cheng (Music)

Event Information:

Date: 4th March 2018 (Sunday)

Free of Charge

Registration Deadline 25th February 2018

Details for registration and payment:

Please complete the attached registration form and register with us via email to activities@rhsosa.org

Should there be any enquiries please feel free to contact Edward Ng, the current President of RHSOSA, at president@rhsosa.org



 未完的課報名表格.docx (39.3KB)
 RHSOSA Exec Comm 18_19 nomination (2).doc (79.5KB)