Fr Heras Francisco
中學部: Ms Cathy Lau Mr Robert Kwan Mr Jonathan Kwok Mr Damen Chan Ms Elsie Kwan Ms Belinda Lam Ms So Choi Yin Ms Betty Suen Mr Tsui Yiu Cheung Ms Judy Chan Mr Thomas Pak
小學部: Ms Edith Poon Ms Margaret Chang Ms Domenica Lau Ms Mary Wei
是次活動詳情如下: 日期: 2016年2月28日(星期日) 時間: 下午1時正 地點: 玫瑰崗學校陳智思大禮堂 費用: 每位港幣$130元正(大人小童同價) 截止報名日期: 2016年2月19日
一 請把適當費用存入本會於匯豐銀行開立之儲蓄戶口 002-0-191581。戶口名稱為"Rosaryhill School Old Students Association"。
二 把存款收據或網上銀行轉賬指示連同附上之報名表電郵至activities@rhsosa.org。
三 本會將於確認收妥匯款後,發出電郵作實認購。一經付款,本會將不會接受任何退款要求。
如有任何查詢,請以電郵至 president@rhsosa.org 跟舊生會主席 Edward Ng 聯絡。
Dear Rosarians, The Annual General Meeting of RHSOSA is scheduled to be held on 28th February 2016 (Sunday) at 1pm at Bernard Chanwut Chan Hall. Apart from the annual report from the Executive Committee, a Pun Choi lunch will also be held at the same time.
We are glad to inform you that the following retired teachers have already confirmed to come to join us (the list is not the final list and will be updated regularly):
Fr Heras Francisco
Secondary Section: Ms Cathy Lau Mr Robert Kwan Mr Jonathan Kwok Mr Damen Chan Ms Elsie Kwan Ms Belinda Lam Ms So Choi Yin Ms Betty Suen Mr Tsui Yiu Cheung Ms Judy Chan Mr Thomas Pak
Primary Section: Ms Edith Poon Ms Margaret Chang Ms Domenica Lau Ms Mary Wei
Event Information: Date: 28th Feb 2016 (Sunday) Time: 1pm Venue: Bernard Chanwut Chan School Hall Fees: $130/head Registration Deadline: 19th February 2016
Details for registration and payment:
一 Please kindly deposit the required sum into our HSBC's account (# 002-0-191581)。Account Name is "Rosaryhill School Old Students Association"。
二 Please kindly send us the deposit slip via email to activities@rhsosa.org。
三 We shall send you a confirmation email upon receipt of your email. Please be infomed that we shall give no refund for any cancellation.
Should there be any enquiries please feel free to contact Edward Ng, the current President of RHSOSA, at president@rhsosa.org