各位親愛的校友: 請支持玫瑰崗舊生會義工隊 參加 ACCA 公益關愛日 2016 過三年我們參加了由ACCA1主辦之「ACCA公益關愛日」人力車比賽,並取得非常好的成績。 今年,本會將再次支持這項慈善活動,派出「玫瑰崗關愛隊」參賽。我們現誠邀大家親臨現場為健兒們打氣,希望他們取得更好的成績,並藉着大家的出席和支持去展現玫瑰崗關愛社會的精神! 日期:2016年1月10日(星期日) 時間:10:30am至2:00pm (參賽隊伍巡遊及人力車比賽) 地點:中環遮打道行人專用區 除了人力車比賽,當天還有其他活動,如參賽隊伍巡遊、攤位遊戲、街頭表演等等……適合一家大小。 查詢更多資料,請聯絡張小姐(90490810),或電郵至activities@rhsosa.org。請踴躍支持,謝謝! 玫瑰崗舊生會謹啟 Dear Rosarians, Please support RHSOSA Charity Team Join ACCA Community Day 2016 This is our fourth year joining ACCA Community Day – an annual charity event organized by ACCA1. We only first entered into the event’s signature rickshaw race three years ago and for the past two years, with the great efforts of our team members, our rickshaw team won the 1st Runner-up title in the competition. We sincerely invite you to come and support the Rosarian Rickshaw Team which is determined to win the Championship this year! Your presence and cheering will show your care for the community and it will also give our team a big boost! Date: 10th January, 2016 (Sunday) Time: 10:30am – 2:00pm Venue: Chater Road Sunday Pedestrian Precinct, Central Other attractions include Costume Parade, Fun Land, and street performance. It’s surely an interesting and meaningful event for the whole family! If you wish to know more about this activity, please feel free to contact Ms Helen Cheung at 90490810, or email to activities@rhsosa.org. RHSOSA 1 ACCA is the abbreviation of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants 特許公認會計師公會 |