親愛的校友: 2015希望之盒 我們誠邀你支持母校和舊生會參與「希望之盒」活動。「希望之盒」是一年一度的慈善活動,捐贈者可捐出一個禮物盒,內有全新的玩具、文具、教材及個人衞生用品 。禮物盒將會被送到家境貧困的小朋友手上,而當中有些小朋友是從沒有收過任何禮物的。 閣下可以透過網頁(http://boxofhope.org/info/about/about/en/) 進一步了解活動內容。 「玫瑰崗舊生會」義工隊今年再度與玫瑰崗學校(幼稚園及小學部)學生合作參與這個有意義的項目。學生們會將捐贈的物品放進一個盒內,並負責裝飾這個盒子。 然而,每個盒子的大小相當於一個兒童鞋盒,我們需要更多的禮物以放滿約250個禮物盒。 我們誠意邀請您的幫忙,捐贈以下四類物品(或以現金支持本會購買以下商品),讓我們可填滿學生們所預備的禮物盒: 1)玩具 – 與愛相關 - 熊、毛絨玩具、網球、手指木偶、拼圖、搖搖、小樂器、電筒(含電池)、撲克牌、小貨車和玩具車、玩偶、小飾品或飾物等。 2)教育用品 – 與實用有關 - 書籍(簡單的英文)、水筆、鋼筆、鉛筆、鉛筆刨、膠擦、填色畫冊、記事本、相簿/益智書、粉筆、鉛筆座、貼紙或計算機等。 3)衛生用品 – 與日常使用有關 - 牙刷和牙膏、梳子、髮夾,包裝好之肥皂、絨布 (無液體之相關用品)。 4)其他物品 – 與穿著相關 – 如太陽眼鏡、帽子、太陽帽、手鐲、項鍊、手錶等。 如想捐贈以上物品或有任何查詢,請於2015年10月22日(星期四)前與本會幹事張小姐(9049 0810)聯絡,我們會盡快安排收集您所捐之物品。 如欲以現金支持, 請將捐款存入滙豐銀行002-0-191581 (Rosaryhill School Old Students Association) 並將入數紙連同閣下之姓名及聯絡電話電郵至activities@rhsosa.org! 期待您的慷慨捐贈及支持,一同參與這個有意義的慈善活動,謝謝大家! 玫瑰崗舊生會
Dear alumni, 2015 Box of Hope Project We are writing you to support the participation in a charitable activity -“Box of Hope”. “Box of Hope” is an annual charity project. Donors fill boxes with a combination of new toys, educational supplies and hygiene items. The boxes will then be collected and distributed to underprivileged children; some of them have never received a gift. You can find the list of recipients in Hong Kong through its website (http://boxofhope.org/info/about/about/en/). Like last year, RHSOSA Charity Team will work together with students from Rosaryhill School (Kindergarten and Primary Section) to participate in this meaningful project. The students will donate some gifts and they will also be responsible of the decoration of the boxes. However, size of each of the “Box of Hope” is equivalent to the size of a shoe box; therefore, we will need a large number of gifts in order to fill up about 250 boxes. We sincerely invite you to participate in this project by donating gifts of the four categories below (or even cash for us to purchase the items) and we will fill up the boxes on your behalf: 1) TOYS - something to love - Bears, soft toys, tennis balls, finger puppets, jigsaws, yoyos, small musical instruments, torches (including batteries), playing cards, small trucks and cars, dolls, jewelry, hair accessories. 2) EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES - something to do - books - (simple English), Felt pens, pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, rubbers, coloring books, notepads, picture/puzzle books, chalks, pencil cases, stickers, calculators, etc. 3) HYGIENE ITEMS - something to use - Toothbrushes & toothpaste, hairbrushes, combs, hair clips, bars of wrapped soap, flannels. NO LIQUIDS PLEASE. 4) OTHER ITEMS - something to wear - Sunglasses, caps, sun hats, bangles, necklaces, watches etc... To donate or inquire, please feel free to contact Ms Helen Cheung (90490810) on or before 22ndOctober 2015 (Thursday) and we shall arrange the pick up of your gifts on weekends. For those who want to help through cash donation, please make your deposit into our HSBC account #002-0-191581 (Account Name: Rosaryhill School Old Students Association) and send the bank-in slip together with your name and contact number to activities@rhsosa.org. We hope you will support this program through your generous donations which will bring lots of joy to the underprivileged children. Yours faithfully, RHSOSA |