Fr. Francisco Cup 2 miles Invitation Race 「范士豪盃兩哩跑邀請賽

Posted by stephen_admin 28/04/2012 0 Comment(s) Past Events,

Fr. Francisco Cup 2 miles Invitation Race 「范士豪盃兩哩跑邀請賽」(28/04/2012)

Currently there are about 300 participants joining this memorable event.  Given that we have received numerous enquiries over the week, we decide to extend the registration deadline to 20 April 2012 (Friday).

No matter you run, jog, or walk, Fr. Francisco and OSA welcome to join the event.  Come and breathe fresh air at the Victoria Peak with your schoolmates and do some exercise on a public holiday (28 April 2012)!

Details of registration, please visit







為慶祝校監范士豪神父為玫瑰崗學校服務四十週年,舊生會將於四月二十八日 (星期六),假太平山山頂舉辦「范士豪盃兩哩跑邀請賽」,歡迎舊生/教職員(在職或離任)/ 家長參與公開組比賽,費用全免。而且,您的出席也能替所屬的社贏取分數爭奪社際獎杯。如果您能穿著「那些年」的戰衣參賽,必定引來艷羨目光!

請按以下連結,填妥報名表格,電郵至  , 如有任何疑問,亦歡迎電郵查詢。


This year is the 40th anniversary of Fr. Francisco’s service in RHS.  In celebration of this, the OSA is organizing "Fr. Francisco Cup - 2 Miles Invitation Race" on April 28 2012 (Saturday) at the Peak.  The OSA cordially invites old students/ staff and teachers (current or former) / parents to participate in the Open Group Competition.  In addition, your participation will add a point to your House in the House Competition.  If you can wear the House uniform of your generation to participate, other participants will feel admiration for you!


Please click on the link for the registration form.  Complete and return it by e-mail to .  If you have any enquiries, please send them to the same e-mail address.

Please note that our deadline is on 14 April 2012 (Saturday).

 FFCup Open_Entry_Form_201219APR.doc (130.0KB)