X'mas Dinner @ Home

Posted by stephen_admin 18/12/2010 0 Comment(s) Past Events,


為慶祝普天同慶的聖誕節,玫瑰崗舊生會將於今年十二月十八日(星期六)晚上六時再次舉行聖誕聯歡晚會”X’mas Dinner @ Home”,與一眾玫瑰崗的新知舊友一同慶祝主耶穌的誕辰。 

本會已為當天晚會預備了多項精彩節目,多位神父、老師及學校職員將有令大家意想不到的表演,表演名單包括白易遜神父(Father Perez)、陳漢欽老師 ( Mr Damen Chan)、郭健基老師( Mr Jonathan Kwok) 、關治邦老師( Mr Robert Kwan)方育輝老師( Mr Anson Fong)、鄧鳳儀老師( Ms Grace Tang)、孔志豪老師( Mr Sammy Hung)、葉浩威老師 ( Mr Joseph Yip)、蘇芳美老師 ( Ms Bonnie So)、薛偉安老師( Mr Matthew Sit)、雄師博 (學校修理部主管)、大餅叔(前校車部主管)等等。 本校舊生 ﹣著名多棲藝人劉雅麗小姐亦會於當晚回到母校獻唱。

此外,本會永遠名譽會長謝天仁神父( Fr Lionel Xavier)已落實會出席是次晚會。


日期:            二零一零年十二月十八日(星期六)

時間:            晚上六時正至十時

地點:            玫瑰崗學校陳智思大禮堂

晚餐:            西式自助餐

收費:            成人                      ﹣港幣二百五十元                       

                        小童(十二歲以下)  ﹣港幣一百五十元

校巴接送安排:    下午五時四十五分在灣仔地鐵站修頓球場出口


如欲參加是次晚會, 請於十二月八日或之前將所需之費用存入玫瑰崗舊生會"匯豐銀行戶口"002-0-191581"並將入數回條連同附件的報名表電郵至 activities@rhsosa.org 或傳真至28782272。名額有限,先訂先得,額滿即止,敬請留意


Dear Rosarians,  

“…..Santa Claus is coming to town….”

You are cordially invited to celebrate Christmas together with us in our upcoming event, X’mas Dinner @ Home, organized by Rosaryhill School Old Students Association (“RHSOSA”).

For the above party, we have already arranged a series of interesting programs which include a surprise performance by father, a number of teachers and school staff such as  Father Perez, Mr Chan Kin Hung (staff), Mr Matthew Sit, Mr Damen Chan, Mr Jonathan Kwok, Mr Anson Fong, Ms Grace Tang, Mr Sammy Hung, Mr Joseph Yip and Ms Bonnie So, a singing performance by our alumnus , Ms. Alice Lau….and many more! Moreover, it is our honor that we will have the presence of our Honorary President for Life, Fr Lionel Xavier in our party.

Details of the above event are as follows:

Date:                      18 Dec 2010 (Saturday)

Time:                     6:00 pm- 10:00 pm

Venue:                   Bernard Chanwut Chan School Hall (Rosaryhill School)

Dinner:                  Buffet style

Fee:                        $250adult

                               $150/ child (12 years old or below)

Payment:                 Please deposit the required sum to HSBC Savings A/C

                                         # 002-0-191581under the name of “Rosaryhill School Old  Students Association”

Transportation:     School bus service

                               (pick up at Southorn Playground, Wanchai at 5:45pm)

If you are interested in joining the above X’mas party, please complete and return the attached Registration Form to us together with the copy of the deposit slip via email  to activities@rhsosa.org or by fax to 28782272 on or before 8th December, 2010

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us via email to activities@rhsosa.org 

Best Regards,


 Reply Slip of X'mas Dinner @ Home.doc (64.5KB)
 P1.pdf (784.3KB)