Rosaryhill School Fund Raising Walkathon 2009 The Rosaryhill School (Secondary Section) Fund Raising Walkathon will take place on Sunday, 13 December, 2009. The event aims at raising funds to better equip the Student Activity Centre (Rm.N403) by the installation of air-conditioning & wiring, audio & visual facilities, computers, seats and dancing facilities with a view to providing better learning environment to our students especially during the pursuing of “Other Learning Experiences” under the NSS curriculum.
The establishments and facilities are all driving towards one goal – provide quality education to well-equip RHS students to face challenges in the NSS curriculum. In order to maximize the teaching and learning effectiveness, we need funds to furnish the complex and install teaching hardware. Also, it is a good chance to reinforce unity among our teachers, students, alumni and parents.
Please come and join this meaningful activity. Your support and participation mean a lot to all of us.
The arrangement of our Walkathon 2009 is detailed as follows:
Date : 13th December, 2009 Time : 8:30a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Venue : Tai Tam Country Park Route : Start Point (Tai Tam Reservoir Road next to Hong Kong Parkview) → Mount Parker Road → End Point (Quarry Bay) (a leisure walk of about 7 km in distance, taking about 2 hours ) *browse the website for a cyber tour
Reporting Time &Place: For S.1-S.3students and parents - 7:45a.m. at Junior covered-playground For S.4-S.7students and parents – 9:00a.m. at Senior covered-playground For honorable guests -7:45a.m.-8:00a.m. at school basement For alumnus, staff and ex-staff – 8:00a.m.- 9:15a.m at school basement Bus services: 1. School Bus Service For regular school bus passengers and their parents (parents may have to take the school bus at the Morrison Hill Station in case of insufficient seats) S.1-S.3: 7:10 a.m. (All stations) / S.4-S.7: 8:30 a.m. (10 stations) 2. Shuttle bus services (1 bus every 7-10 minutes from school) (1) For non- school bus passengers and parents Morrison Hill Station → School: (1st bus) 7:30 a.m. (Last bus) 9:00 a.m. (2) For all participants School → Start Point (1st bus ) 7:45 a.m. (Last bus) 9:45 a.m Opening ceremony: Begin at 8:30a.m. at the starting point
You can support the Walkathon by: 1. joining the walk with your children as a family unit; 2. asking relatives and friends to sponsor your work using the sponsorship forms; 3. sponsoring students, teachers, Principal, Fathers, alumnus, ex-staff to walk; 4. making donation to principals and teachers using the donation form.
Mark down the RHS Walkathon on Sunday, 13th December of your schedule and spend a beautiful Sunday with us! |
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