誠邀各位校友參加2023年社際越野賽跑 Cross Country
時間:11am - 2pm
比賽項目:男子組及女子組舊生賽 (賽程為 3,500米)
報到時間: 大約1130 am
請於11月27日 (星期一)午夜12時之前填好以下Google Form. 稍後會向成功報名者發出確認電郵.
We would like to invite all alumni to join the 2023 Inter House Cross Country Competition
Date: December 16 (Saturday)
Time: 11am-2pm
Venue: Peak
Events: Men’s and Women’s Group (Distance: 3,500m)
Report time: Around 1130am
Alumni who joins the event can get 3 points for their houses.
Medals will present to first 5 finishers in Men's and Women's group, other alumni who completes the event will also receive a souvenior.
Please sign up the Google form before 12 midnight on November 27 (Monday). Confirmation email will be sent to successful applicants.