Retirement & Farewell dinner 老師榮休晚宴

Posted by Jorge 18/09/2023 0 Comment(s) Past Events,
地點:會所一號 時尚康山
費用: 每位港幣550元正
繳費方法: 把所需費用存入玫舊崗舊生會的滙豐銀行戶口(號碼:# 002-0-191581 under “Rosaryhill School Old Students Association”)
請把閣下的以下資料電郵至�1. 姓名
2. 畢業/離校年份
3. 繳費證明(網上轉賑的截圖或入數紙)
4. 閣下的whatsapp號碼
RHSOSA Retirement & Farewell dinner 2023
Date: 10th September 2023 (Sun)
Venue: Club One Kornhill in Vogue (會所一號 時尚康山)
Teachers: Ms. Catherine Shiu, Mr. Chan Chi Shing, Mr. Ambrose Fong, Mr. Joseph Yip
Price: $550 per head
Registration Method
Send email to providing the following information:
1. Name
2. Year of graduation
3. Evidence of payment (image of online bank transfer or deposit slip with date and amount transferred)
4. WhatsApp number
Payment Method:
Deposit the fee to
HSBC savings account
# 002-0-191581 under “Rosaryhill School Old Students Association”