RHSOSA Annual General Meeting 2022-2023
鑑於最近新型冠肺炎還未受到控制,本會今年的年度會員大會將在2022年3月6日(星期日)下午2時30分再度透過ZOOM在網上舉行。當晚除了有舊生會年度報告外,還會選出2022-2023年度包括主席、副主席、財政和秘書的四位執委。如欲在當天透過ZOOM觀看今年的會員大會,敬請閣下在2月27日(星期日)前用電郵將閣下的姓名、畢業年份、電話(至president@rhsosa.org)通知我們,以便我們在會員大會前能先核實閣下為本會會員的身份,經核實是本會會員的身份後,本會將會以 whatsapp通知閣下有關ZOOM會議的密碼。
Due to the current epidemic situation of the coronavirus, the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of the RHSOSA this year will be held on 6th March 2022 at 2:30pm on ZOOM. In addition to RHSOSA's annual report for 2021-2022 by the President, election for the four posts (President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary) of the Executive Committee will also be held. Should you be interested to watch the AGM on 6th March 2022 on ZOOM, please kindly inform us your name, year of graduation and mobile phone number via email (to president@rhsosa.org) on or before 27th February 2022. After we have confirmed you are our member, we will inform you the ZOOM Meeting ID through WhatsApp.
Moreover, should you be interested to nominate anyone for the above four posts of the Executive Committee, please complete the attached Nomination Form and send it back to us via email at president@rhsosa.org on before 27th February 2021.
Lastly, we wish all of you to stay healthy and safe.