今年是舊生會永遠榮譽主席Fr Lionel Xavier 謝天仁神父逝世的十週年,為紀念這位受眾人敬仰、母校其中一位創校神父離世十週年,母校的范士豪神父(Fr Francisco des la Heras)、石永信神父(Fr Secundino Vicente Zurdo)等將在10月9 日(星期六)下午4時在母校聖堂舉行一場謝天仁神父逝世十週年彌撒,歡迎各位校友、Fr Xavier的同事、好友撥冗出席。
This year is the 10th anniversary of the passing of the first Honorary President for Life of the RHSOSA, Fr Lionel Xavier OP, the school's Fathers including Fr Francisco and Fr Secundino will arrange a funeral mass for the 10th anniversary of the death of Fr Xavier on 9th October 2021 at 4pm at the School Chapel.
Please go back to school to attend if you have time.