Opening Ceremony of the Annex & Home-coming Day

Posted by stephen_admin 12/12/2005 0 Comment(s) Past Events,
Date: 18 December 2005 (Sunday)
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 
(3:00 p.m. will be the Opening Ceremony of Annex)

Guests, alumni, ex-staff and their family, students, parents and teachers are welcome to visit all sections and to enjoy performance of students at the School Hall.

The Official Opening of the New Annex will take place at 3:00pm on December 18 in front of the basement. We have the pleasure to invite The Most Reverend John Tong, Auxiliary Bishop of Hong Kong to officiate the ceremony. Guests, parents, alumni and friends are most welcome to join this important and memorable event.. 
Various activities will be held in different sections and venues. There are games stalls, exhibition rooms and Art and Craft in kindergarten section. One cannot miss the Photo Corner at Fatima Shrine where you can print out your own digital photos almost instantly. There will be exhibitions in the Primary covered playground. There are fund -raising counters in both junior and senior secondary covered playground and opening of classrooms from Room 111-113. For reminiscence, visit to the exhibition in form of "Travel Through Time" in the senior covered playground is a must. As for the Business Studies Section, there are School Life Online Show and Slide Show. Last but not least, one will certainly find the performances from different sections in the School Hall interesting and entertaining.




至於在初中及高中部的有蓋操場,則設置了多個籌款攤位遊戲,相信可以令您及您的家人玩過不亦樂乎。 踏過台階,走過長廊,中學部111-113教室的開放可以讓您品味過往的校園生活。


最後,一場由本校各部門師生合力籌辦的演出,將於當日下午在本校禮堂進行, 演出項目多采多姿,定會讓您留下深刻的印象。 新翼大樓的落成,舊日師生的相聚,這是一個得以讓我們?懷過去,展望將來的大日子,千言萬語, 惟盼您的足跡。您的蒞臨,您的參與,將會令這個盛典錦上添花!