徐老師多年來一直十分支持舊生會的活動和工作,多次出席及協助本會的活動,他多次表示在玫瑰崗任教的日子是他的光輝歲月。我們在此感謝徐老師對母校一直的支持,我們會永遠懷念徐老師慈祥的微笑,希望他主懷安息。同時我們亦向徐太太Ms Judy Chan和他們的兒子Christopher致深切的慰問,希望他們節哀順變、保重身體。
We feel saddened to inform you that our beloved Mr Tsui Yiu Cheung Raymond has passed away peacefully yesterday on 27th September 2024 at the age of 74.
Mr Tsui had worked in Rosaryhill School between 1974 and 1994, during which he had nurtured thousands of students. Moreover, Mr Tsui was also in charge of the school’s decorations for different occasions such as Christmas and Open Days. After his retirement as a secondary teacher, Mr Tsui still conducted painting classes.
RHSOSA is very grateful to Mr Tsui for his continuous support for RHSOSA’s work and activities over the years. Mr Tsui always took pride of his achievements in Rosaryhill School. We will miss Mr Tsui’s smiles and kindness. We wish Mr Tsui rest in peace. We would also like to extend our deepest condolences to Mrs Tsui (Ms Judy Chan) and their son Christopher.
Details of Mr Tsui’s funeral will be announced in due course.