我們懷着悲傷的心情通知大家曾經在母校小學部任教三十五年(由1968年開始在玫瑰崗學校任教直至2003年正式退休)的徐珍渝老師(Ms Cindy Chui) 昨天傍晚時分在伊利沙百醫院安詳離世了。徐老師三十五年來為玫瑰崗學校作育英才,培育出數以千計在社會上不同範疇發光發亮的學生,為教育界作出很大的貢獻。在老師們和學生們的心目中,Ms Chui 是一位令人覺得很溫暖的好人、對工作和家庭都十分真誠和專業,是一位好老師、好太太、好媽媽、好婆婆。
We are sad to inform you that our former primary teacher, Ms Cindy Chui, passed away yesterday at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. During her 35-year teaching career in Rosaryhill School, Ms Chui had taught thousands of students who are now making different kinds of contributions to the society. Ms Chui is always highly regarded by her colleagues and friends and she is also always well respected by her students and their parents.
We express our deepest condolences to Ms Chui’s family and we wish Ms Chui rest in peace in the arms of God now.