玫瑰崗上的「耶穌」﹣陳健雄專訪 Exclusive Interview with RHS' "Jesus" - Mr John Chan

Posted by stephen_admin 07/06/2011 0 Comment(s) The Rosarians,














雖然「雄哥」並非一名學校教師,但學校內上下一眾師生均對陳健雄不會感到陌生;多年來在不同階段在玫瑰崗內,一眾教職員和學生對「雄哥」都有不同的稱呼 ﹣「想當年在我最初加入玫瑰崗時,大部份人都叫我「師傅仔」,後來有些學生幫我起了個花名,大概因為我面上的鬍鬚的關係吧,他們喜歡叫我「耶穌」。Father Salas喜歡叫我「阿雄」,而范士豪神父就一向都叫我「雄仔」。現在很多庶務部的同事都叫我「陳生」,反而是我最不習慣的稱呼。 」其實,雄哥還有一個英文名字兼聖名 ﹣ John。











在玫瑰崗上的三十五載,雄哥直認因為自己年輕時比較貪玩,那時亦沒有現在責任那麼大, 因此間中會因為跟朋友們玩得太夜而需要在翌日向學校告假。雄哥回憶說:「當年學校一班神父對我們一班員工的監管確實是頗寛鬆的。」因此,過去大家亦可能見過雄哥參加學校的活動。對於「記得以前我有時吃午飯可以由中午十二時吃到下午一時半左右,之後還會去找工友或校車司機捉象棋捉至二時多。有時候范士豪神父笑口盈盈地走過來跟我說:「雄仔,捉完象棋後你在什麼地方有什麼工作?」當我告訴完他後,范神父便會滿意地離開。其後當我在那個崗位工作時,有時當我回頭,我會發覺范神父就在我身後看著我工作,然後他便會說一句「Good Boy!」便離開。」對於范神父多年來的信任,雄哥表示實在無言感激。雄哥亦從范神父身上學到一套管理哲學。他發現有時以柔制剛的處理可能比義正嚴詞的遣責更有效和更令人信服,使雄哥在庶務部在崗位上更懂得如何處理不同性格和工作習慣的員工。




多年來,雄哥坦言見過不少學生對校園設施所作的惡作劇,初時他也會因為要為他們無知的破壞行為做「善後處理」而感到有點氣憤,但細想到他們只是一時頑皮,發泄他們無窮無盡的精力, 他會抱著一笑置之的態度。所以有時當他見到那些頑皮學生向校園設施亂踢時,他還會跟他們說笑:「痛嗎?」有時其後當那些學生見他努力地為校園維修校園設施,他們會向他說:「這些東西是你做的嗎?好吧,我們答應你我們不會破壞它。」










其實,雄哥年輕時亦曾經試過「下山」到外闖的。話說在一九七九、八零年左右,當時雄哥剛在夜校完成中五課程,適值香港開始有地鐵服務, 於是雄哥嘗試投考當時招聘大量員工的地鐵公司,可惜雄哥在取錄後受訓的一個月後,在結業考試中不幸落第,所以他只好幹回他的老本行, 當一名維修木工。一天雄哥在銅鑼灣(當時松阪屋附近)跟范士豪神父偶然碰上,當時兩人在街上互道近況,怎知在數天後,范神父透過他的秘書致電雄哥,邀請回玫瑰崗工作。此舉令雄哥感動不已,他亦接受了范神父的邀請,重回玫瑰崗學校服務。









每年潮濕的春季亦經常令雄哥頭痛不已,因為學校位於山上,所以在每年回南天時,學校各處總是水漬處處;為免學生因而滑倒,他總需忙於安排清潔部的工友清理水漬;有時在清理水漬後一小時後,因為太潮濕的關係,水漬便會再現,雄哥和一班工友們的辛苦可想而知。另外,雄哥除了繼續其木工和維修的工作和管理電工部師傅及一班清潔部員工的工作外,還要編制安排校工在中午時分為幼稚園部放學的學生當校車跟車。他說:「自從學校需要一班清潔工友兼顧校車跟車的工作後 ,我有時會為安排足夠人手跟車而傷透腦筋,尤其是如果同一天有數位同事同時告假的時候 。」










雄哥向筆者透露,他跟他太太已結婚了二十一個年頭,兩人還育有一名現年十八歲、正在念中學預科的女兒。對於他們當年如何認識,雄哥說:「我們的認識其實是很有緣的。記得那時我還是一名年輕的小伙子,工餘時我經常會相約我的同事和朋友定期到伊莉莎白體育館打壁球和羽毛球。有一天,我在那兒注意到一位女孩子在獨自打壁球,大概因為我們打球的時間相若,期後的數星期我都看到她一個人獨自打壁球,於是我主動到壁球室問她可有興趣一起打球,我們便是那樣認識了。最初我們都只是一大班人相約一起去玩,後來我們發覺大家性情相近,均是活躍好動的人,慢慢地我們便走在一起 。」原來運動除了能讓我們強身健體外,還可以幫人家締結一段美好姻緣的。「其實在拍拖初期我亦有猶疑過的。因為我自知學歴有限,只能勉強讀至中學畢業,兼且我只是一名學校木工,相對於在銀行任職的她,我確實是有一刻想過我們是否應該繼續發展下去的。但多謝她在這方面開解我、給我信心,所以很快我便消除了我這方面的顧慮。」





一直以來雄哥跟學校上下各人的關係都很好,神父們均視雄哥如自己朋友一樣,所以在雄哥和他太太結婚當天,學校差不多所有的神父均往出席他的婚禮和婚宴,令學校的一眾同事十分羡慕他那麼有「臉子」 。





多年來,學校內有數位人物令雄哥難忘:「首先,Fr Salas多年來都很體恤我們一班工友的福利;Fr Francisco多年來對我都非常信任和支持;謝天仁神父的強健體魄,記得當年他還位宗教部主管時,有時他會從五樓跑下來直接跟我當面相談,之後他總是徒步返回五樓的辦公室,但有時我尾隨他時,總是追不上他,要知道他那時五十多歲了,但我只是二十來歲呢。」








Interview with the legendary 'Jesus' on Rosaryhill: Mr Johnny Chan


Since the first interview with our previous Rosarians, all of the previous Rosarian’s interviewees were either past students or teaching staff of Rosaryhill School but we have not forgotten the invaluable contribution of RHS’ supporting staff whose hard work have made RHS an excellent teaching and learning environment for both teachers and students.


Our interviewee this time, Mr John Chan has been a loyal member of Rosaryhill School for the last 35 years; he is a classic example of an outstanding Rosarian.


In Rosaryhill School John is known as ‘Ah Hung’, ‘Hung Gor’, ‘Hung Tsai’ but the one ‘Jesus’ should be ranked as the funniest among all of his aliases.

“Father Salas likes calling me ‘Ah Hung’, my Father Francisco has always called me ‘Hung Tsai’ whilst some of the school staff now call me ‘Mr Chan’, which still gives me  when they call me that.”



John was introduced by his aunt to join RHS’Maintenance Department in 1976 after he completed Form 3 education and 3 years of apprenticeship. The job in Rosaryhill attracted Johnny mainly because of the splendid work environment on Stubbs Road and good number of holidays and the job itself also did not appear to be as demanding as carpentry job outside. John was then assigned to assist Mr Lam, the Head of the Carpentry and Repair Department at that time.


So what was John’s most memorable experience in RHS during his early years? Surprisingly, John told us that his happiest memories back then was not work related but it was about the activities he had with his school colleagues after work. He said ‘Perhaps I was still so young at that time, so my mind was always full of  fun seeking ideas and it was because I was quite close to the office staff and school bus drivers, we always hung out together for various types of activities after work. Sometimes even the Fathers would join us too!’ It was also because of this reason, John honestly admitted that he sometimes would skip work the next day after he had partied with friends till early hours.




‘The management and supervision of the Fathers were not as strict so I could get away with it from time to time.’ John said he knew he was quite spoiled at times, ‘I remember I always had long lunch time and after lunch I also would not resume my work immediately; I would play chess with the bus drivers or other colleagues. Sometimes Father Franciso would come to me; however, he never blamed me for not doing my job, instead he would just keep smiling and then he would ask me where I would do my work after the chess game and what task I would do there and then he would just leave without saying a word. When I later started working at that location, for quite many times I had discovered Father Francisco observing my work from behind quietly and when I saw him, he would walk away happily after praising me “Good boy”. I am very grateful to him for his trust and kindness over the years. I have also learned from him some management skills, sometimes condemning might not be as effective as encouraging and being patient. Now I adopt the same approach when I manage my colleagues in school and it is very useful indeed.’





The school is full of energetic youngsters so vandalism sometimes would happen. Although John initially felt quite frustrated about the damages as he and his colleagues were responsible for the subsequent remedy works, he slowly realized they were just typical conduct of teenagers so he would now just have a laugh about it when it happens; sometimes he would even joke with the students ‘Did it hurt?’ when he saw them hitting and kicking the school properties.






Apart from it, he also told RHSOSA that he was always thankful to the school for treating the school staff so well. “Father Salas is always very nice to the school staff; in the past the school used to organize annual trips to various countries such as Philippines and Macau for the school staff and bus drivers and these trips are my fond memories. “




In the last 35 years, John actually had tried to find other opportunities elsewhere to explore his potentials. “I remember it was around 1979 or 1980. At that time, the Mass Transit Railway was just finished and they recruited a large number of employees so I thought I should give it a try and fortunately I was offered a training contract. I then resigned from RHS and commenced my training contract with them but I failed in the final assessment after the training period. I had no choice but resumed working as an independent carpenter.” Then how did he end up returning to RHS?  “That was a coincidence. I bumped into Father Francisco at that time and he was then the principal in the Primary Section. He asked me where I was working and I told him about my situation, then the next day his secretary called me and said Father Franciso wanted to ask me if I was interested to come back to RHS, certainly I willingly accepted his offer.”




John’s present management duties include carpentry work, repairing work, janitorial work, electrical work and allocation of bus duties. The month before Christmas is always the busiest time of the year for John as he usually is required to deal with the entire school’s Christmas decorations and various demands for different Christmas activities from four different sections at the same time.


Furthermore, spring is Johnny’s least favorite season at work. Since Rosaryhill School is located in the mid-levels, it is relatively wet and certain areas get quite slippery during humid times; therefore, Johnneeds to assign his staff to remove the water patches on the floor regularly to ensure safety of the staff and students. Moreover, John is also in charge of allocating bus duties to the menial staff, which could become a difficult task when a few staff call sick on the same day.


 “Actually I am quite proud of the playroom in the Junior Section. The castle liked playroom was designed and built by my team with the assistance of the contractor.” John said.



There is a Chinese saying: “Every successful man has a woman behind him.” Does it apply to John too?



John and his wife have been married for 21 years. They have an 18 year old daughter who is now studying A-Level.  John does not even mind to share with us his love story: “It was a coincidence that I met my wife. I used to be a very active and sporty young man so I would regularly meet my friends for badminton and squash at Queen Elizabeth Stadium after work. One day I saw a young lady playing squash by herself and it just caught my attention. After having seen her playing squash by herself for about three times, I bravely went up to ask her if she would mind to play squash together with me, that was how we met.” Due to their different education and career background, John admits that he also had had doubts but after being encouraged by his wife, they eventually decided to tie the knots and start a new life together.





Has this Rosaryhill Jesus shaved his beard? John laughed “I have but I still remember how shocked my then girlfriend/my wife looked when she saw me without beard, it made me feel that she might preferred my rough look so I decided to keep this image.”


John has always been known as a popular man in Rosaryhill so it was not a surprise when he told us that almost all the priests attended his wedding ceremony and wedding banquet, which did not happen to everyone in Rosaryhill. “The Fathers in Rosaryhill are always very kind to me and they all have special images to me. Father Xavier was a very fit priest. When he was still the Head of the Religious Department, he would walk down from 5/F to my workshop in the Basement to talk to me and when I followed him back to 5/F, I never managed to keep up with him as he always walked too quickly. Father Salas is always kind to the school staff and he is very considerate of our welfare. I am particularly grateful to Father Francisco for his support and trust over the years.”




John’s 35 years of loyalty to Rosaryhill is dinosaur in today’s standard. On behalf of all Rosarians, we salute to another legend on Rosaryhill – Mr John Chan.