1984年,施女士回到香港,於孖士打律師行任職律師五載。於1989年,她加盟和記黃埔/長江實業的公司,曾於由加拿大帝國商業銀行及長江實業合資擁有的金融服務公司CEF Holdings Limited負責企業融資方面的工作,其後調任和黃的策劃及業務發展部門,並於1993年出任和黃集團法律總監。施女士至今已為和黃服務近二十載。
「智者有自知之明 — 唯一真正的智慧在於了解自己一無所知」
Interview with Ms. Edith Shih, an alumna and a successful business woman
Edith Shih is the head group general counsel and company secretary of Hutchison Whampoa Limited (“HWL”). She is also a non-executive director of Hutchison China MediTech Limited, an executive director of Hutchison Harbour Ring Limited, both listed and a director of Hutchison International Limited as well as director and company secretary of various HWL group companies. Edith is a member of the Standing Committee on Company Law Reform and the Council of The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. She is Vice President of The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Chairman of its Education Committee. She is also a member of the Listing Committee of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Education, Master of Arts degrees and a Master of Education degree. Edith is a qualified solicitor in Hong Kong, England and Wales and Victoria, Australia and a Fellow of both The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators and The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries.
Edith's association with Rosaryhill School started after completing primary school in St. Stephen's Girls' Primary School. In 1964, Edith entered Rosaryhill School as a Form 1 student and left after completing Form 5 in 1969. Edith remembers she had a wonderful time in Rosaryhill School, met a lot of friends who are still very good friends today and they still see each other regularly. She was a very active student; she was a class prefect every year and was a member and vice-president of the student council when she was a Form 5 student.
After Rosaryhill School, Edith went to the Philippines to continue her schooling at the University of the Philippines. At that time, it is very popular to study dentistry in Philippines. It did take long for Edith with the smell of chloroform to know dentistry is not for her. Then, as Edith has always been interested in Music and so she decided to complete a degree in music education.
After completing her studies in music education, Edith returned to Rosaryhill School as a teacher in 1974, also to complete her dissertation for her Master of Arts degree. Edith was a very busy teacher as she taught music to over 20 classes of Form 1 and From 2 students, she also taught English to a Form 3 class. In the 1970's each class has about 45 to 50 students, so Edith taught a thousand students. I (the interviewer) was one of Edith's students; I told Edith that I only sang on the School's stage once - when she was my music teacher. Edith organised all her music students to sing on the stage, as she believes it is important for the student to participate; not just sitting through class room instruction.
After one year teaching in Roasryhill School, Edith went to US to continue her studies. She completed a Master degree in Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages and a Master degree in Education in Applied Linguistics. Like everyone us, we all have to make choices in our life. For Edith to develop her career in applied linguistic, she would need to complete her Doctorate in the area, also it would mean very likely that she would need to continue her professional career in the US. However, her heart is attached to Hong Kong; she would like to return to Hong Kong to develop her career, so Edith decided to change her profession, she completed her legal studies and training in the UK.
In 1984, Edith returned to Hong Kong, she worked in Johnson Stokes & Master (JSM) as a solicitor for 5 years. In 1989, Edith began her association with Hutchison Whampoa / Cheung Kong's companies. Edith had an opportunity to work in the Corporate Finance area for CEF Holdings Limited, a financial services company owned jointly by CIBC and by Cheung Kong Holdings. Then she worked in Strategic Planning and Business Development of HWLin 1991 became Head Group General Counsel of HWL in 1993. Edith has now worked for HWL for almost 20 years.
Edith has always supported Rosaryhill School and RHSOSA, she a member of the Rosaryhill School Think Tank, a committee to help the School to identify its future direction. Edith came up with the idea of organising a big celebration for the School 50th Anniversary and was a member of the celebration organising committee. Edith gave career talks to our present students and recently helped to organise the Father Xavier's 80th Birthday party.
Edith would like to share a few wisdoms to the new generation of Rosaryhill School's students; they are:
Edith holds a famous motto by Socrates close to her heart:
"The wise is the one who knows he knows not - the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
Interview: Patrick Rozario