Farewell Rosaryhill School Dinner 告別玫瑰崗學校晚會

Posted by Jorge 28/08/2024 0 Comment(s) Upcoming Events,





日期:2024年11 月9日(星期六)
費用:每席$12,000(以 12 人計)


報名表格 (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/187sUKFjF7XKAi41FhJvEIJm6Um3X_DpuxMflELfXkKk)


•「首階段認購期」由2024年8月28日至9月7 日(香港時間);
•  在首階段認購期內,本會只會處理以每席認購的申請;
•  至於個別校友之散位認購將會在第二階段進行,本會只會受理在第二階段遞交之散位認購;
•  每席的代表(「席代表」)要在首階段認購期內先行支付全席12位的費用。席代表可容後補上嘉賓名單;
•  由於席數有限,本會將根據付款之次序來確定認購之先後;
•  任何佔據一席位的人仕都要支付$1,000 晚宴費,無論是孩童或被邀出席之教職員;
•  本會有權在必要時安排一席有 13 位嘉賓,但可保證食物的份量不會因此而攤薄。


•  次階段認購期由2024年9月9日至2024 年9月21日(香港時間);
•  在此階段本會將接受個別校友訂購散位;
•  在安排座位方面,本會將儘量安排同屆的校友於同一席;
•  如有特別安排(如素食者),請於報名時列明,本會將設法安排,但不能保證能滿足所有要求;
•  為確保成功訂位,請與同屆校友於首階段合訂一席。

•  請把認購費用存入本會於匯豐銀行開立之儲蓄戶002-0-191581;
•  戶口名稱為"Rosaryhill School Old Students Association";
•  把附有日期及時間之存款收據或網上銀行轉賬指示,電郵至 treasurer@rhsosa.org;
•  本會將於確認收妥匯款後,發出電郵覆實認購;
•  如果認購人仕只存入款項而未有以電郵通知本會,認購無效。


•  如於首階段認購後,席代表在晚宴三星期前(即 10月 19日)仍未能湊足一席12 人,本會有權安排個別校友填補空位,並退回每個位所付之$1,000;
•  請注意本會並無責任替認購者填補空位。如最終所訂之酒席尚有空位,所付之訂購費將不會被退還;
•  於次階段認購之個別校友,一經付款,本會將不會接受任何退款要求。如認購者獲悉未能出席,可自行把席位轉讓,但必需通知本會所轉給人仕之姓名及聯絡方法;
•  如因黑色暴雨或 8 號風球而令酒店不能提供場地,本會會另行通知延至何日。礙於酒店不接受退款,本會亦只能接受轉讓,而不能退款。請見諒!

如對此活動有任何問題,請電郵至 treasurer@rhsosa.org 與本會聯絡。



Dear Rosarians,


Our beloved Rosaryhill School was officially closed on 13 July 2024, which marked the end of her 65 remarkable years in Hong Kong education. 


To bid farewell and to commemorate the meaningful work of Rosaryhill School, the Rosaryhill School Old Students Association is going to organise a farewell dinner in the evening on 9 November 2024 at Crowne Plaza Kowloon East.  This dinner gathering let school teachers, staff members, and alumni gather together to reminisce the good days of Rosaryhill School, which enlightened all our lives and made our lives so special and colourful.  



Here are the details of the Gala Dinner:


Date: 9 November 2024, Saturday


Time: 6:00 p.m. reception, 7:00 p.m. dinner


Venue: Crowne Plaza Kowloon East, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon


Fee: $12,000 per table for 12 persons / $1,000 per person


Banquet: Chinese cuisine


Dress Code: Smart casual




Booking Method: Reservation will be taken in two phases.


Booking Form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/187sUKFjF7XKAi41FhJvEIJm6Um3X_DpuxMflELfXkKk)


1. Phase 1 Subscription Period



  • Booking will be accepted from 28 August to 7 September 2024 (HK time) both inclusive (”Phase 1 Subscription Period”);
  • In this phase, allotment will be on a “per table” basis; 
  • Booking for individual seats will be ignored, and will have to be submitted during Phase 2 Subscription Period;
  • Representative of each table must pay up the relevant cost of booking a table within the Phase 1 Subscription Period and provide details of participants in due course;
  • All tables are allocated on a first paid, first allocate basis. Reservation for individuals will be accepted in Phase 2.
  • Any seat occupied by an individual will have to bear the cost of $1,000, disregard whether he/she is an infant or child;
  • We reserve the rights to allocate an extra seat to make up a table of 13 seats, food portion will be increased accordingly. 



2. Phase 2 Subscription Period


  • Phase 2 Subscription Period is from 9 to 21 September 2024 (both inclusive) (HK time);
  • In Phase 2, we shall accept the booking for individual seats;
  • We shall try our best to arrange alumni of the same graduation year to sit together;
  • For special request (such as vegetarian), please notify us during application.  We shall try our best but cannot guarantee that such request must be satisfied;
  • Given that there is only limited number of seats, we encourage alumni to form a table and apply in Phase 1 in order to gain priority in seat allocation. 



Fee Payment:


  • Deposit your payment to the HSBC savings account #002-0-191581 of “Rosaryhill School Old Students Association”;
  • Email the bank pay-in-slip or online transfer form (showing the date of payment) to treasurer@rhsosa.org;
  • We shall acknowledge receipt of your booking and confirm thereon after your deposit is cleared;
  • If the applicant has only deposited the payment but without sending email to our designated email address, such application is void. 



Refund Policy:


  • For tables booked in Phase 1, if the Representative cannot fill up all 12 seats by 19 October 2024, we have the rights to fill up any empty seat and refund the cost of $1,000 to the Representative;
  • Please note that we have no obligation to fill up any seats for each table booked.  If ultimately the table cannot be filled up, we shall not make any refund on empty seats;
  • For booking of seats in Phase 2, no refund will be made once a payment is made.  However, the seat can be transferred to another alumnus, but the name and contact details of the assignee should be notified to us; 
  • If the event has to be postponed due to black rain or typhoon signal no. 8, we regret to note that we cannot make a refund as we would not receive any refund from the hotel. 




For further information about the event, please send your inquiry to




Yours faithfully,

Rosaryhill School Old Students Association

28 August 2024