Goodbye Rosaryhill School Ceremony

Posted by Jorge 12/07/2024 0 Comment(s) Upcoming Events,
Goodbye Rosaryhill School Ceremony
2024年7月12日玫瑰崗學校將完成65年來在香港辦學的歷史任務, 並會正式停止運作.
玫瑰崗舊生會將於2024年7月14日下午4:30至5:30在母校的陳智思大禮堂舉行的一個簡單而隆重告別儀式, 讓我們一起走進過去, 重溫美好的時光; 並以最真摯的方式送別在我們生活中佔據重要位置的老朋友-玫瑰崗.
若校友能撥冗出席,請於2024年6月30日晚上11:59或之前填妥RSVP Google form以便點算出席人數.
**請注意, 由於當日未能安排校車接送服務或提供泊車位,因此大家務必使用公共交通工具回校.**
Rosaryhill School has marked its history in providing education in Hong Kong for the past 65 years and will officially cease its operations on 12 July 2024.
RHSOSA will organize a simple ceremony on 14 July 2024 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm at Bernard Charnwut Chan Hall to say goodbye to our alma mater.
If you are available to attend, please fill in the RSVP google form on or before 11:59pm on 30 June 2024. This can facilitate our ascertainment of the number of participants.
**Alumni are advised to take public transportation as neither school bus services will be arranged nor parking spaces will be available on that date.**