再次恭賀我們的校友-容樹恆醫生獲選為2009年「十大傑出青年」!Congratulations again to our RHS Alumnus Dr. Patrick Yung for winning the “Ten Outstanding Young Persons 2009”! 在2010年1月一個清涼寧靜的週六早上,多位玫瑰崗舊生懷著興奮的心情回到母校的足球場,與他們的校友-剛獲選為「2...
Dear All,Class of 1978 will be meeting for dinner on 15th January 2010 at 7pmat the Chinese Recreation Club. Members from 1977, 1979 and 1980 are also welcome. If you are interested to join this dinne...
Rosaryhill School Fund Raising Walkathon 2009 The Rosaryhill School (Secondary Section) Fund Raising Walkathon will take place on Sunday, 13 December, 2009. The event aims at raising funds to better ...