About Us


41B, Stubbs Road, Hong Kong.



  1. Honorary President
  2. Honorary Advisers
  3. President
  4. Vice-President
  5. Secretary
  6. Treasurer
  7. Financial Director
  8. Membership Director
  9. Charities Director
  10. Editorial Director
  11. Events and Activities Director
  12. Information Technology Director




  1. To enforce resolutions adopted at General Meetings.
  2. To handle all financial matters of the Association.
  3. To be responsible for the registration of members and the appointment of Honorary Members.
  4. To be responsible for making recommendations to the Annual General Meeting.
  5. To consider any protest grievances or alleged infringement of the Constitution and adjudicate upon, or act in, all such cases.
  6. To initiate functions and activities whenever it thinks fit.
  7. To fix the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meetings.
  8. To frame bye-laws from time to time.
  9. To represent the members in such matters as affecting their interests.
  10. To afford a recognized means of communications between the general body of members and RHS.
  11. To interpret the Constitution.
  12. To manage the affairs of the Association.
  13. To nominate to the IMC of Rosaryhill Secondary School the alumnus elected as the Alumni Manager.



The office-bearers shall be elected by popular vote at the Annual General Meeting.


Should a post fall vacant during the year in the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall have the power to elect another member of the Association to fill the post.


The term of office of each office-bearer, unless re-elected, is one year, extending from the day after the Annual General Meeting to the day of the next Annual General Meeting.


The Executive Committee Meeting shall be held at least once every three months. A minimum of six committee members shall form a quorum. In the absence of the Directors, their alternates shall represent them and be counted in forming a quorum.



  1. The Honorary President shall be the Supervisor/Principal of Rosaryhill Secondary School, and shall advise the Executive Committee in its general functioning.
  2. The Honorary Advisers shall be retired RHS Staff and shall be nominated at the Annual General Meeting. Each of them shall contribute suggestions to the Executive Committee and help the Executive Committee whenever and wherever possible. They should attend Committee Meetings whenever possible.
  3. The President shall
    1. Preside over the meetings.
    2. Coordinate the work of the Executive Committee.
    3. Have the casting vote in the event of a deadlock in voting.
    4. Hear all complaints regarding Executive Committee members and decide what actions should be taken.
    5.  Appoint any special, ad hoc or standing committee, with consultation of the Executive Committee, for specific terms and purposes.
  4. The Vice-President shall
    1. Preside over the meetings in the absence of the President.
    2. Assist the President in the management of the Association.
    3. Assist and support the sub-committees.Preside over the meetings.
  5. The Secretary shall
    1. Preside over the meetings should the President and Vice-President be absent for half-an-hour after the scheduled time.
    2. Take down the minutes of each Executive Committee Meeting and General Meetings and keep proper files of them.
    3. Keep record of all motions and amendments of the meetings.
    4. Prepare the Agenda for all concerned meetings.
    5. Keep communications with all members.
  6. The Treasurer shall
    1. Be responsible for all financial matters of the Association.
    2. Report the financial situation of the Association at each Executive Committee Meeting.
    3. Authorize expenditure
    4. Develop and manage investments of the association.




  1. The six Sub-Committees are led by six Directors.
  2. The six Directors are automatically included as part of the Executive Committee,
  3. Directors shall be appointed by the President or Vice-President seconded by anyone in the Executive Committee and approved by Honorary President or Honorary Advisers.
  4. The Director of each Sub-Committee shall have the right to invite any RHSOSA members to become member of the Sub-Committee members. The Director shall submit the list of the Sub-Committee members to the Executive Committee for approval.
  5. Executive Committee members can be acting as Directors when necessary.
  6. Member of RHSOSA can participate in different Sub-Committees.
  7. Executive Members can also participate as members of the Sub-Committees.




  1. Financial Director shall
    1. Preside over the Sub-Committee meetings.
    2. Determine the size of the Sub-Committee.
    3. Prepare and monitor the Association Annual Budgets
    4. Prepare monthly financial statements
    5. Keep records of all financial transactions.
  2. Membership Director shall
    1. Preside over the Sub-Committee Meetings.
    2. Determine the size of the Sub-Committee.
    3. Responsible for all membership affairs, including registration and communication
    4. Responsible to contact Life-Members and keep their information up-to-date.
    5. Responsible to keep the integrity of the membership databases.
    6. Co-operate with Information Technology Sub-Committee for membership promotions.
    7. Report to the Executive Committee the situation of membership in the Association.
  3. Charities Director shall
    1. Preside over the Sub-Committee Meetings.
    2. Determine the size of the Sub-Committee.
    3. Suggest strategies on improving the publicity and image of the Association through conducting voluntary work and holding charity events.
    4. Responsible for organizing voluntary work or charity events for members to participate.
    5. Responsible for promoting voluntary work or charity events to the members.
    6. Report to the Executive Committee.
  4. Editorial Director shall
    1. Preside over the Sub-Committee Meetings.
    2. Determine the size of the Sub-Committee.
    3. Responsible for literary issues regarding publications, promotions materials, and web-site contents of the Association.
    4. Responsible for publishing the newsletters of the Association.
    5. Report to the Executive Committee the progress of the projects on hand to the Executive Committee Meeting.
  5. Events & Activities Director shall
    1. Preside over the Sub-Committee Meetings.
    2. Determine the size of the Sub-Committee.
    3. Suggest and plan for the events and activities throughout the year.
    4. Responsible for the events and activities of the Association from planning, organising to operating them.
    5. Co-operate with other Sub-Committee to promote the annual events and activities
    6. Co-operate with the Finance Committee to prepare the budget of each event and activity.
    7. Report to the Executive Committee the progress of the projects on hand to the Executive Committee Meeting.
  6. Information Technology Director shall
    1. Preside over the Sub-Committee Meetings.
    2. Determine the size of the Sub-Committee.
    3. Responsible for maintaining the RHSOSA.ORG website.
    4. Responsible to provide help on Membership Sub-Committee to maintain the database of RHSOSA members.
    5. Co-operate with other Sub-Committees to post advertisement or announcement on the website, and maintain the consistency of literature.
    6. Collect and forward e-mail communications to the Executive Committee for follow-up or action.




  1. A Director may nominate an Alternate Director for each of the categories of Director described in Article 7B of this Section.
  2. An Alternate Director from any relevant category, shall attend any meeting of the Executive Committee Meeting but shall have no right to vote during the meeting, unless the regular Director concerned is unable to attend or to vote at the meeting or there is no regular Director of that category for the time being. When the relevant regular Director is present, the Alternate Director of the same category may address the meeting only when invited to do so by the Chairman of the meeting.